It's the LAST day of April so be
sure to FINISH STRONG!!!
Now for today's 'Beliefs 101'
What is a belief exactly? I
personally have defined a belief
as a thought that you think
over and over and over again.
And although that is completely
true, I've found an even BETTER
way of explaining it.
Here goes...
A belief is nothing more than
YOUR tendencies. A belief is
really how you FEEL and ACT in
any given situation. It's that
thing that you do when you get
stressed or angry.
It's how your loved ones can
predict exactly what you will
say and do. At a core level they
know your tendencies.
So....What's the thing that you
do when you get upset? Do you
yell? Get louder? Raise your
hands, get more physical?
Throw things? Maybe say things
you don't mean? These are
tendencies, these are your
It's how I can look at your
reality and know beyond a
shadow of a doubt exactly what
your true beliefs are. Because
your beliefs are MANIFEST right
now in your world.
Look at your:
- career/job
- relationships (both personal
and business)
- body/weight
- bank account
You can SEE instantly what your
beliefs are can't you? You can
see instantly your tendencies.
If you have ever struggled to
understand what YOUR beliefs
are and how they affect your
everyday life, this is GREAT
NEWS. Life is like a blue print
for you to look over. The REAL
question is.......
Do you like what you see?
If not, you must change your
beliefs or tendencies. When
you change how you 'react' to
life, life has a different reaction
on you.
Makes sense right?
I hope so. When I made the
connection that I can tell
myself whatever I want, but
the true test is in how I ACT,
because this is the proof of
what I believe my whole world
changed. You yourself may be
thinking one thing but doing
The DOING is your stronger
belief. This 'doing-ness' is
your tendency. So look at your
life. How are you FEELING
about it? What needs
TENDING to? Take a good
inventory right now of what
you would like to change.
and then.........MAKE the
changes in your beliefs and
tendencies and watch how
quickly things turn around
and improve. I will SHOW
YOU HOW, step by step with
my complete Life Overhaul
Get ready......EVERYTHING
is going to change. For the
BETTER!!!! ;-D
Make it a magnificent week.
You TRULY deserve it!
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
P.S. CHANGE your tendencies
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
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