Spring has sprung in Las Vegas!!
Even the bulbs in my window
boxes have begun to sprout!!! I
can't wait to smell my lilies!! ;-D
Wooo Hooo!!
I LOVE this time of year. There is
SO much growth and the newness
of Spring REALLY makes me smile!!
My gardeners come every Tuesday
and on Wednesday of this week I
noticed something that REALLY
made me think.

The DANDELIONS had grown almost
9 inches OVERNIGHT!! I mean the
garners were here cutting the lawn
on Tuesday and on Wednesday
morning the dandelions were 9
inches tall. And guess what.......
No one planted them!!!
They grow naturally. Weeds grow
naturally. JUST LIKE IN YOUR
MIND!! The weeds grow and you
don't even have to plant them.
And they grow FAST. Overnight
in some cases. And guess what
else.........THEY MULTIPLY like
rabbits, LOLOL ;-D

All they need is a little contrast
(in their case WIND) and things
naturally take care of themselves!
So what do YOU do with weeds
or dandelions in your own mind?
Do you tend to them? Do you TRY
to pretend you don't have any?
Do you tell yourself that they don't
grow? Do you believe that they
won't eventually KILL the small
seedlings of your dreams and
Do you FERTILIZE the weeds of
your mind with Worry, Anxiety,
Stress or Doubt??
Are you ready to PULL a few??
If so............
Even though my BRAND NEW mp3
audio program 'What Your Reality
Says About Your Thinking AND
What You Can Do To Change It'
IS now available on my website for
$37, I'm going to offer the FULL
60+ min audio, download NOTES
through Sunday (March 25th).
You've got TWO full days to save
OVER 55%!!!
Use this SPECIAL link (NOT
available on my website) to receive
your special pricing:
With Spring here and Spring
Cleaning in the air, TEND to the
weeds of your mind!! They grow
whether we want them to or not
and they WILL take over the crop
if you let them!!!
Grab my newest audio and WATCH
what you begin to notice!!! Things
will change for you....and QUICKLY!!
Have a FABULOUS weekend!! YOU
deserve it!!! ;-D
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
http://www.successrepatterning.com - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved