of my special audio program offer
be sure to NOW!!!! For another
10 hours I'm offering ALL my
audio programs, buy 2 get 1
FREE!!! (equal or lesser value).
There are 18 selections to pick
from and they are ALL fabulous.
This is an ESPECIALLY good
time of year to be leveraging the
cosmic changes and setting CLEAR
intentions for 2011 with what you
believe and expect. My audios
are AMAZING at doing just that,
not to mention open your thinking
in totally new ways!!!
Pick out at least two of your
favorite audio programs below (some programs include notes too)
and add them to your shopping cart.
Then type your 'FREE' selection in
the blank space just above the
'submit order' button. You'll receive
your FREE selection via email shortly
after your order is processed.
Be sure to scan the entire list
carefully because some of the
audio listed will NOT be offered
next year.
I'm THRILLED about what's to
come and I think you will be too!! :-D
Grab your two favorites now !!
You'll love what you learn in my
audio programs. You'll SEE
changes in your MANIFESTATIONS
and RESULTS!!! just watch!! ;-D
Make it a FABULOUS Friday and
Happy Holidays!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Choose from 18 POWERFUL
audio programs here.........
Buy two and get one free through
today!!! (Friday Dec 24th)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved