Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Quote I Had to Share With You!


In my always searching nature I
stumbled upon this quote. It sums
up what I teach so beautifully.

I want you to read it and REALLY
think about what it means to you.
Here it is:

'If you look at every human being
as a Divine mirror, you will know
yourself and understand life.'

- Sherif Baba

EVERY experience, person, struggle
or encounter is mirroring back to
us. If you want to know what your
feeling or thinking about, look

- What is your divine mirror
showing you?

- What types of experiences and
people are YOU attracting?

- Do you find yourself in the same
spot again and again?

- What was your experience like

- What do you expect today?

All great questions to ponder.

Please know that I can help you
make sense of whatever is showing
up. Only YOU know what you need.

Take the EASY path by browsing here:

Enjoy your day.


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

**If you're interested in attending my 2
day workshop retreat, please respond to
this email, put 'workshop' in the subject
line and let's schedule some time to talk!**

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at: