Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today is the LAST day to join for ONLY $37 a month!!! Did you see???

Hi There!!

Happy NEW Moon tonight!!  HUGE
changes are in the air for you, the
question then becomes........Are
YOU ready to CLAIM these

As you may or may not know.......

The price of my Mind Shift of The
Month Club
goes UP tonight!!!

This is your LAST chance to enroll for
ONLY $37 a month!!!

Included is TWO one hour audios a
month AND ONE email coaching
session with me every month!!!

Read about it here:

ANY questions, you let me know!!

Have a FABULOUS weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!!  ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF !!

Shelby Collinge

Don't Miss Out!!!  Today's the LAST
day to enroll for ONLY $37 a month!!!