Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are your 'habits' working FOR you or AGAINST you?? Be HONEST! ;-D

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Perception Weekly
April Showers Bring May Flowers!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hi There!!
How is Mercury Retrograde treating you?  I KNOW you're feeling the effects.  Communication can be a bit difficult, technology is WONKY to say the least and emails seem to get stuck in cyber space for hours or days on end for NO good reason, lol.......It can be challenging to remember that EVERYTHING happens for a reason!! 

You may be feeling a little more competitive than usual.  We have a full moon coming up on Sunday (the 17th) and it's SURE to bring HUGE changes.  I hope you're ready for them.....they come whether we're ready or not!!  I personally can't hardly wait, LOL!!!  It's also important to remember that the opposite of competitveness is COLLABORATION.  This upcoming week it just might pay HIGH dividends to collaborate!

On a Special Note........if you haven't picked up my book 'Walking With the Wise - Entrepreneur' be sure to do it TODAY!!  I'm personally signing each one AND including my Top Selling 'Power of Your Words' 60 minute CD.  It's a total PACKAGE and it's ONLY $25 + shipping until 4/17/11!!  Get your's here.  I can't wait to sign it for you!!  ;-D

Enjoy this week's article on 'Habits', it's going to REALLY open your mind to some NEW thinking!  I wrote it especially for you!!! EXPECT a great week.  Only YOU can.

BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,

Shelby Collinge

Raving Fans.........

“I don't think people understand the immense value that is being
proposed here! I have been telling people to get "The Power of Your
" for about a year and a half. This is one of the most powerful
audios you can get your hands on - it seems that too many people market
their product with the over-hyped word "priceless" however, I stand firm
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over again and you WILL gain new nuggets of wisdom each time.

Because I
do not own "Walking With the Wise - Entrepreneur" (a Jim Rohn endorsed book ) I will
of this amazing opportunity.

Thanks Shelby!!!"
All my best.

  - Neil D. - California

"I am so amazed to feel such a difference so quickly and can't wait to
keep going in a new direction. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and knowledge. Wooo Hooo to you Shelby. Thank you, thank
you, thank you!!!! I Love You Shelby Collinge!!!!!  I'm so happy to be working with you."


- Mary S. - California

"Habits" by Shelby Collinge

Today I want to talk about habits.

EVERYTHING you do is a result of habit. The way you shower, the way you get dressed, the route in which you drive, the way you make love and even the way you make your morning coffee.

Everything is habitual.

So the question becomes.....are your habits giving you the results you desire?  be HONEST.

The way you think is also habitual.

Do you habitually expect the best or the worst? Do you think your desires will be easy or hard to achieve? Do you think about scarcity or abundance most of the time?

Today's message is to BREAK your mental habits. Notice how you react to people and situations as you go about your day. Notice what you begin to think about immediately when things don't go your way. Notice how you feel.

You'll begin to see and feel patterns and habits in the way you think and REACT. THIS is the reason it can be challenging to change your results.

We sometimes like to change what we DO on the outside but meanwhile we still think it will be hard and we won't be successful anyway on the inside. And in case you haven't noticed, your mind ALWAYS wins.

No matter what you do, if you don't believe in yourself and if you don't have your mind on YOUR side, success won't happen.

As I mentioned, noticing and observing what your mental habits ARE is the first and most critical step.  It's what we do every couple of weeks in Perception University.

Think about it..... If you don't believe in you, how can anyone else?

You must be your number one fan. You must believe in you and your ability to accomplish your dreams.  You must believe it's possible for you RIGHT NOW.  Not in weeks, months or after you've learned a new skill.  TODAY IS THE DAY.

If you've been given the desire, you've been given the means to achieve it.  Get on with BELIEVING IT!!!

I believe in you!! AND I know all it takes is a tweak in what YOU believe and EXPECT.  I can show you how much EASIER it can be in my upcoming Perception University call THIS Tuesday at 10:00am pacific......

Believe today is the day and that it WILL be easy and then watch how the quickly the universe shows you how powerful you truly are.

EnJOY today. It's a miracle!

You READY to let IN a whole new
world that you've been DREAMING
about, that you thought maybe wasn't quite possible??????

NOW is the time to
join Perception University!!
  Our next call is THIS TUESDAY at 10:00am pacific.  I'll show you how to let go of that story and CHANGE your circumstances from the INSIDE out.  Join NOW!

© 2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine?

! But here is what you MUST include at the end of the above article in it's entirety:
Shelby Collinge, Problem Solving Expert, is
founder of Perception University, the proven program that shows you how to
become conscious of the story YOU’re telling yourself that’s keeping you from
what you want. Get your F.R.E.E. 60 minute instant mp3 audio download and
receive her “Perception Weekly” Newsletter here:

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Perception University
Join us for our NEXT call is THIS Tuesday April 12th at 10:00am pacific AND Thursday April 28th at 10:00am pacific.  Participate via phone, Skype OR webcast!

Learn more here.

Quick Links......
Perception University Book Offer (ends 4/17) Life Overhaul Program 1-on-1 Sessions w/Me

HURRY Offer ENDS 4/17!!!

For a limited time I'll PERSONALLY autograph a copy of book AND include a BONUS 'Power of Your Word's CD (TOP seller).  Signed and shipped directly to your door!
ONLY $25.00 + shipping
LIMITED TIME until 4/17!!!
Order Now Here
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5348 Vegas Dr.  #763
Las Vegas, NV 89108

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