I'm changing the pricing AND
packaging of my top selling
Miracles Ecourse. I LOVE change
and I'm feeling a need to change
things up. These changes go into
effect this weekend so NOW is
the time to grab my ecourse!!
I'm also going to give you two
VERY Special bonuses too so
keep reading!! Well it will actually
be THREE bonuses for the first
35! hehe!! ;-D
Like everyone I too fall into OLD
habits of using a great program
one maybe two times and that's
it. I get results, am happy about
them, but I don't CONTINUE to
use the program and SEE what
happens. Until now.......... ;-)
I decided I was going to re-start
my Miracles Ecourse for maybe the
4th time since I created it. (Mind
you it's a 30 day program and I
created this AMAZING program in
So off I went. I again began
receiving my emails every day and
at the absolute PERFECT time. I
played along and DID what the
program asked of me and AGAIN
like clock work the results came
flooding in!!!
In fact just YESTERDAY (I tweeted
and facebooked about it too) I
received a letter from the California
State Controllers Office and with
a few phone calls, I have $500
coming to me from two accounts I
haven't used since 2006!!! MY
results have been astounding since
I re-started my Miracles Ecourse!
So......if you have purchased my
ecourse in the past then you know
it comes with the lifetime ability to
re-start it WHENEVER you need it.
Today is that day!!! Contact us and
we will re-start it for you.

If however you haven't purchased
my Miracles Ecourse PLEASE grab it
TODAY. It's not a ton of work,
your results will be dramatic and
the price goes up Saturday!! I
created each email to UNDO the
workings of your mind and what you
think is possible. It PROVES itself
to you EVERY single day, just read
the testimonials!! :) You will literally
SEE results as you go. You will SEE
how you ARE getting exactly what
and now you can CHANGE things!
You can't read my miracle emails
every day and NOT be changed in a
VERY positive way. There are some
things that work and don't need to
be altered or re-created in ANY way.
THIS is that program for me. I
created it 4 1/2 years ago with a
LIVE blog audience and it has
proven to be time tested and client
approved by the hundreds! I even
enhanced a few things at the end of
last year to make it even easier!
If you're ready to get things started =)
And remember I'm going to give the
FIRST 150 who pick up my Creating
Miracles Ecourse today 2 VERY special
1) I'll email you my Creating Miracles
Complete Ebook. You'll have my whole
program in pdf book form as well!!
($37 value & not available on my site)
2) I'll email you my 'How to
Deliberately Create Using the Power of
Now' pdf ebook!
($37 value & not currently available on
my site)
3) I'll email the FIRST 35 a special
link for scheduling and you will receive
a FREE 10 minute 1-on-1 session with
ME!! :-D ($85 value)
That's OVER $159 in bonuses if you
move quickly !!!
I'm EXTREMELY committed to you
seeing and experiencing life in totally
NEW ways. My Creating Miracles
Ecourse is phenomenal. Begin today
and SEE for yourself!!! (and secure
your 10 minute session with ME! We
can cove a TON in 10 minutes!!)
MAKE IT a miracle filled week, you
deserve it!!! ;-) I'll show you how!
EXPECT great things!!!

BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. ENJOY my Miracles Ecourse. It
WILL open you up in brand new ways
(be sure to read the testimonials).
It doesn't have to be difficult, but it
DOES need to be different!! Get
Ready! ;-) Start your 30 day journey
NOW at an incredible price and get
your 10 minute session bonus with
ME too ($85 value) !!! Woooo Hoooo!
I look forward to talking to you!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved