Thursday, January 29, 2009

Join me THIS Saturday @9:00am pacific for a 90 min call on....

In an email I sent on Wednesday I
talked about 'what-it-itis'. We ALL
suffer from what-is-itis to some
degree or another. For some the
symptoms are slight and for others
the symptoms are severe.

Gaining control of your feelings
is the key to your peace of mind.
You may not think peace of mind
is important to you, but with a
small amount of reflection, you'll
find that's the ONLY thing you're
TRULY seeking. You seek to
feel good in your own skin. To
like yourself NO MATTER WHAT!

I just ordered some new business
cards and I LOVE them. I hope
to meet you in person to give you
one of these cards. On the back
of each one of my cards it reads....

'We all secretly desire to be
ourselves. I will show you how
to LOVE being you.'

Believe it or not the ONLY enemy
you have right now is YOU. I will
explain everything in DETAIL on

I'm teaching a 90 minute teleclass
THIS Saturday at 9:00am pacific, that
You'll learn BRAND NEW techniques
and concepts to process and alleviate
fear and worry. You'll learn what these
two emotions are TRYING to tell you
AND you'll learn how to release these
feelings from within you. ANY worry,
ANY fear.

I'll be taking LIVE questions so you can
BE SURE no rock will be left unturned.
No question will be left unanswered.
Listen in on others questions and concerns
OR participate LIVE yourself, you choose!

Even if you can't attend this call LIVE
(although if you don't have something
planned and on the calendar RIGHT NOW,
then PLEASE DO register), the ONLY way
to get your hot little hands on this BRAND
NEW information is to register for this call!
ALL the details are at:

AND this training comes with a 100%
money back guarantee. That's how positive
I am of the power of what I'm going to
share with you. You have absolutely
nothing to lose!

Hope to HEAR you on Saturday!
Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. My Mind Powers Membership
Fees go up on Saturday! Be sure to
enroll today to receive 2008 pricing for
the life of your membership!

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved