email to let you
know the introductory
period is over and
beginning Monday November 8th my
Mindset Matters member prices
are going up.
Just yesterday Audrey sent me her
thoughts on my Mindset Matters
Program. Here's what she wrote....
"I am so glad that I joined your
Mindset Matters Program, Shelby.
Your calls are fantastic and so
inspiring. Many areas in my life
have started to change, which I
never thought I'd see, and it's a
great feeling! I want to sincerely
thank you, as this is truly life
changing for me! I'd recommend
this to anyone who feels stuck in
their life and needs a new
perspective as this program will
give them one! So, many many
thanks, Shelby!"
If you have EVER considered joining
one of my programs or if you've ever
bought one of my products TODAY
is the day to join. to step up and make
things happen for yourself.
We have a Mindset Matters call
that will TOTALLY shift things for
you. Immediately upon joining
you'll receive the call-in details! ;-D
There are three membership levels
to choose from starting at $17
(until Sunday) and you also receive
a VERY special pack of mindshift
changing audios immediately when
you join to get you started thinking
and expecting in NEW ways. ($77 value)
I also want to mention that member
pricing is always grandfathered in! :)
Which means if you join at my Silver
Level TODAY (currently $37 a month)
you will pay that fabulous rate as
long as you're a member, no matter
how high the price may go!
TODAY is the day and NOW is the
time to SOLVE any problems you
may have. I'll help you get the
BOTTOM belief that's keeping you
from what you want.
You're worth it!!! Join NOW!!!
ENJOY your weekend and be
surprises all weekend long!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I also want you to know I get
GREAT results!! Just yesterday I
helped my client Lisa generate
$1,200 in 7 minutes!! Woooo Hooooo!
I can't promise you results like Lisa,
but IMAGINE the shifts and results
I could help you achieve. Let me
prove it to you..........