option link. I apologize. If you
are interested in the payment
plan and want to pay with Paypal,
please use this link:
Here is my previous email......
So how are you doing? We're on
day 15 (or there abouts) with our
21 day experiment of...........
1) NO Gossip (including magazines
& TV)
2) NO Complaining (to yourself or
3) NO Criticizing (of yourself others
or situations)
4) NO Negative Language (in your
mind or out loud
5) NO Bitching or feeling sorry for
Have you found it a little more
difficult that you first thought it
might be? I have received
countless emails from some of you
saying that you are diligently
re-starting your 21 day clocks
when you find you have slipped. :-D
I'm extremely proud of you and I
hope you'll keep going LONG past
the 21 days. This exercise WILL
change your results AND how you
I can help you make it a LOT
GOOD!! ;-D
I met with 50 fabulous people
who are ready to make BIG shifts
in their thinking, results and
happiness levels over the weekend.
We talked and brainstormed for
over an hour about what they would
LOVE to receive in my 5 week
tele-program. I can honestly say
that we came up with a course
outline that will without a doubt
CHANGE every area of your life in
the most unexpected positive ways.
As I'm sure you've heard a hundred
times before, you make or break a
habit over 21 days. Well......my 5
week Transformation program
beginning on Sept 7th is a FULL 35
days!! I can help you release the
negative habits and patterns AND
guide you to set brand new habits
AND mentor you to KEEP you on
track for over a month.
Here's SOME of the topics that
we will be covering in my upcoming
5 week Transformation Tele-
program. (in NO particular order)
- Conditioning / genetics
- Self doubt / fear / self confidence
- Comfort zones / thermostats
- Relationships / parenting
- Beliefs / expectations / mindset
- Money / financial success
- Living in the now / manifesting
- Weight / health/ body image
- forgiveness / self / others
- Sabotage / habits / patterns
My team and I are still working on
getting the web page up so you get
an extra special opportunity!! I
intend to have the webpage up by Fri.
When it launches my 5 week
Transformation teleprogram will be
$697 but you can enroll today and
tomorrow for ONLY $497!! (that's a
$200 discount) AND when I was talking
with the group this weekend they
asked for a two payment plan and I
think that is a FABULOUS idea!!
So you can enroll for two payments
if that makes it easier to budget!!
Wooooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Here are ALL our call dates. Mark
them in your calendar now.
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
All calls will be approx 40 mins, will
take place at 10:00am pacific and
will of course be recorded for those
who cannot attend live.
At the end of EVERY call will be a
short Q&A period. This way questions
are addressed on every call in real
time. Questions are submitted via
email while on the call or in advance
so those not attending live can still
participate and have their questions
answered too.
I've been doing some serious
cleaning around my offices and have
found a HUGE supply of some fabulous
goodies I didn't even know about!! So.
Here are ALL our call dates. Mark
them in your calendar now.
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
All calls will be approx 40 mins, will
take place at 10:00am pacific and
will of course be recorded for those
who cannot attend live.
At the end of EVERY call will be a
short Q&A period. This way questions
are addressed on every call in real
time. Questions are submitted via
email while on the call or in advance
so those not attending live can still
participate and have their questions
answered too.
I've been doing some serious
cleaning around my offices and have
found a HUGE supply of some fabulous
goodies I didn't even know about!! So.

get a few
sent right to your
door ON ME!!
($60 value)
- The first is my
250+ page book
'Walking with the Wise - Entrepreneur'
($20 value)
- The second is a 60+ minute CD on
'The Power of your Words'. This is a
TOP seller and I'll send it to you FREE!
($20 value)
received them yesterday and I'll
include one in your package for your
rolodex and easy reference!
(priceless ;-D)
- free postage to ANYWHERE in the
the world (up to $20 value)
- AND I'll personally autograph my book
to YOU!! How fun!! ;-D
(priceless & who knows 5 years from
now ;-D)
Sign up NOW and let's get started.
I'll get your package shipped out no
matter which payment plan you choose!!
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Enroll soon because the $497 special
price ends on Wednesday at midnight.
I'm only sending out 50 packages and
trust me, you WANT one of them!!
I'll be throwing in a few other goodies
too!! Wooo Hooo!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and If you
have ANY questions, reply to this
I REALLY look forward to working with
you!!! It's going to be GREAT!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge