Thursday, March 04, 2010

Ready to feel in complete control of what & who shows up?

Then I have good news!

Life is NOT about trying to un-do what
has happened or to right any wrongs, but
rather LEARN from these experiences and
NOT need to repeat them again and again.

But that's where most people stumble......
repeating the experience again and
again. Have you done that too? I'm sure
you have, we ALL have and do.

The key is to notice how YOU are the one
creating this event repeatedly. How YOU
are the one suffering from it and how YOU
are the ONLY on who can change it!

Allow me to personally coach you three
days a week discretely through your email
account. I will share with you how to take
100% responsibility and control of your
life and how to change ANY/EVERY area
(financial, relationships, health,
spiritual or career) by putting the laws of
the universe to work FOR you.

I'll share insights and direction that
will unlock the answers that only YOU hold.
YOU hold the answers for you. Your mom
holds the answers for her and your children
hold the answers for them. No one has the
answers for anyone else. They key is to
unlock them within yourself.

In new energetic and 'Shelby' ways you'll
learn to auto-magically give up all levels
of struggle, any ill health concerns,
depression, lack, fear and scarcity based
thinking, (just to name a few). With my
hand held help you will embrace and
embody NEW spiritual principles in your
every day life. You’ll awaken to the truths
you KNOW at a core level. You’ll learn how
to put these principles to work in your life
for quick results and you will begin to
finally reap the rewards you’ve always
desired. Sounds good right!! ;-)

Let's get started!! You'll immediately
have access to ALL past issues including
audios and everything. =)

Now you can UNlearn the OLD, negative,
limiting ways of thinking, acting and
expecting. SHED the beliefs that don't
serve you and WON'T help you achieve
your desired success.

3 days a week to learn, yours for life!!|

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved