days at the Shine event here in
Las Vegas. During those three days
it really got me thinking...............
I haven't offered an in-depth way
to work with me in a VERY long time.
Clients who work with me personally
get beyond incredible results. Their
problems resolve as if by magic and
their confidence level soars!! They
let go of mental luggage they never
even knew they were carrying and
life takes on a certain EASE they
had been craving.
My schedule will allow me to
personally mentor 10 individuals.
Included is (3) 1 hour (you can
choose (6) 30 min sessions too),
email support, downloadable
handouts and many other goodies.
It's a three month personal
mentoring program and it's ONLY
$1,200!!! :-D
AND Mindset Matters members CAN
use their 15% discount too!! (Wooo
I AM also offering a 4 pay payment
plan. Which is four payments of
$300 (no interest 20 days apart).
If you pay in full you will receive an
extra 15 minutes with me on your
first session. I should also mention
that all sessions are recorded so
you can listen and learn from them
again and again!!
It's going go be AMAZING and I
know the first program always has
the most goodies and extras. I
KNOW you're ready to move past
your 'problems' and blocks and I
want you to be included.
If you're interested EMAIL ME
IMMEDIATELY and let me know
your preferred payment option (1
payment or 4) and whether you
would like one 60 min session a
month or two 30 min sessions a
month and I will send you a
personal invoice.
I have only 7 spots available after
my posts on Facebook yesterday ;-D
so there is no web page or
shoppingcart link.
This is a FANTASTIC opportunity to
work with my on your mindset and
your 'problems'. Problems truly are
my specialty!!! This personal
mentoring program is your answer!!!
Email me and let me know you're ready
and let's get started!!!
If you have ANY questions, please
reply let me know that too!! ;-D I
KNOW you'll have incredible results if
we work together on a consistent basis!!
Let's do it!! :-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved