Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Upcoming Teleclass Information!

Hi There,

How are you? Hope you had a great holiday
if you were celebrating this past weekend.

In an effort to serve as many of you as I can,
I have been asked to do a monthly teleclass
open to the public.

I thought that was a GREAT idea!

So as a result, I am conducting a one hour
teleclass on:

'How to Identify and Face Your Fears and
Use Them to Catapult Your Success!'

It will be held on Tuesday September 26th
at 5:30pm pacific / 8:30pm eastern.

The LIVE call will be limited to available phone
lines. For more information and to enroll
be sure to go to:


I really hope you can make it. It is going to
be a FABULOUS call.

MAKE it a GREAT week! Only YOU can.

Until next time....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Monthly teleclass on Fear and how to
make it work FOR you. Find out more at:
