Here's hoping your week has been
a fabulous one thus far. I also
hope you have something planned
this weekend that makes your heart
sing. :-D
I want you to read a quote. It's
one of my ABSOLUTE favorites and
it's something YOU need to hear
today. Here it is.....
'There is NO way out but through.'
- Helen Keller
Isn't that brilliant? It sums up
life and life experiences in ONE
sentence. There is NO way to get
around the learning of life. It's
what we're here for. But it IS worth
while to LEARN what life is trying
to teach you and the quicker the
Words don't teach. It's life
experience that teaches.
Most of us would rather look the
other way in fear. We don't DARE
look at setbacks head on and
learn from them. BUT that's
exactly what we MUST do.
Please note - Resistance is
ALWAYS strongest near the finish
line. The more resistance you
feel, the closer you are.
And CONSCIOUS learning is a
mere change in perspective. It's
changing your mindset about
what's 'happening' right now.
It's seeing the OTHER side TOO.
It's acknowledging that there IS
something for you to learn here,
in fact it's something VERY
I want you to close your eyes put
your hand on your heart and say
out loud 'If I weren't afraid I would.....'
allow yourself to talk out loud and
LISTEN to what your heart says.
'If I weren't afraid I would.....' what?
What would you do? Who would you
be? What lesson could life be trying
to teach you right now? To trust
yourself? To BELIEVE in your abilities?
That it IS safe to let go? I know you
KNOW what it is, you ALWAYS do! ;-D
We have our next Perception University
call next week. I would LOVE for you
to join us!!! Membership WILL change
your life. Join here:
Have a fabulous Friday and en even
better weekend.
You deserve it!! ;-D
And remember.....EXPECT great
things! MMMMWWWAAAHHH!!! ;-D
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved