changes!!! Tuesday marks a full
moon, lunar eclipse AND the
beginning of Winter Solstice
here in the Northern Hemisphere.
Combine that with the face that
we're in the middle of a Mercury
Retrograde and all I can say is......
HUGE manifestations & beginnings
are coming! So Get Ready!! ;-D
In celebration of ALL THIS
CHANGE I'm doing something a
little special. I'm going to offer
ALL my audio programs, buy 2
get one FREE!!! (equal or lesser
There are 18 selections to choose
from and they are ALL fabulous (read the testimonials). I DO want
to give you a day or so to grab your
favorites so I'll give you through
FRIDAY at midnight to take
advantage of my buy two get one
free offer!!
This is a FABULOUS time to be
leveraging all the change that is
literally in the air and this one
way I can assist you!!
is I'm going to gift the first 75
people who buy at least two audios
a FREE email coaching session
with me!! ($188 value) You can
use it ANY time in the next 60
days!! I'll get you flowing with
ease as you begin the New Year!!
So grab your favorites FAST and
gift yourself a FABULOUS email
session with me. (details will
follow via email shortly after
purchase to redeem) :-D
Pick out at least two of your favorite
audio programs below (some
programs include notes too) and
add them to your shopping cart.
Then type your 'FREE' selection in
the blank space just above the
'submit order' button. You'll receive
your FREE selection via email shortly
after your order is processed.
I'm so THRILLED about what's
to come and I think you will
be too!! :-D
Be sure to grab your two
favorites (plus your free selection)
now and get your FREE email
session with me!! You'll love what
you learn in my audio programs
and I'll make a HUGE difference
in your beliefs and RESULTS!!! ;-D
Please Note: If you have any trouble
with the enclosed links or placing an
keep trying. :-D
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Remember the first 75 to
buy two audios will receive a
FREE email session with me!!
($188 value)!! Choose from 18
audio programs here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved