Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If You Worry, You Need to Read This


It's been a while since I've written and I just had to write about the topic of 'Worry' as it seems to really have many upset.

I was working with an email client today and her email was filled with worry, self doubt, anxiety and pure fear. She claimed how 'easy' it is for her to get upset about 'ALL the bad things that keep happeningto her'.

Do you know what worry is?

Worry is a prayer for what you DON'T want.

When you worry, you on are the channel of worry, and ONLY more and more things, people and circumstances and experiences for you to worry will appear.

It's universal law! It's called The law of attraction.

Your mind power is SO immense that if you aren't harnessing it for good in your life, you may in fact be using it to work against yourself.

In order to rid yourself of worry,fear, anxiety and doubt and to increase your confidence, prosperity, self love and belief you've gotto begin thinking different thoughts.You've got to BELIEVE more in your abilities than in your past failures, setbacks and so-called mistakes.

Your past is the wake that's left behind the boat. The wake can NOT steer the boat, your thoughts beliefs and feelings steer the boat now in present time. When you live in the now, and focus on life moment to moment, life goes much smoother.

It's when we look days, weeks or months ahead then worry, fear and doubt sneak in. Keep it simple, look 10 minutes ahead. Look at how you FEEL right now. What are you thinking about right now?

When you pull yourself back, keep it simple, take smaller steps and keep your mind power focused on what you WANT right now, life becomes magical. Try it! Even if you only do it for a few days.

Don't doubt it, until you've tried it!

Catch yourself when you worry. Become conscious when you allow fear to creep in. It's a choice moment to moment.

Remember....Worry is a PRAYER for what you DON'T want. You've got to give up the desire to keep yourself stuck. You're on your way and I KNOW you can do it!


Shelby Collinge