Wednesday, September 15, 2010 you have any??? I can help you!

I hope your week has been
FABULOUS so far!!  Your mindset
matters so be sure to NOTICE
what and who is showing up or
not, ALL of it are indicators!! ;-D

I mentioned in the subject of
this email the topic of 'Problems'.
Do you have any?  LOL, I know
it's a silly question.  We ALL do!!

The question I'm wanting to ask
you you know what
problems mean?

It may seem like an odd question
and rather than for me to try and
explain it to you, I think I'll let
Patricia tell you, she says it
BEST.......(comments have been
edited down)


"Hello Dear Shelby,  I know you’ve 
probably heard this feedback a lot,
but I just want to share that I
listened to one of your recordings
that I haven’t listened to for a long
time and it resonated so much more
with me now than it did the first time,
several months ago.  I was scrolling
through the many recordings of
yours that I have on my Ipod. 

I’d listen for a few seconds and kept
clicking to the next, probably about
6 or 7 times, until I stopped on this
one, and said to myself, hmmmmm
problems..anything negative is a
problem, so there should be a lot I
can use in this one.   It was the audio
on problems.....I’ve listened to it 3
times in 24 hours.

The real “key” thing in it for me, is
the lesson about being “asleep” 
and being on “auto-pilot”, reacting
to things the same way and wondering
why nothing changes… and realizing
that it’s just a “habit” that can be
changed by staying awake and
choosing what everything is going
to mean to me.  It’s so empowering. 
I feel like I can actually change this. 

Another thing that came to me while
I was listening to you explain that
the things that appear to be difficult,
manifest to get our attention…all it
means is that it is something that
needs my focus – that something
in me attracted it, and I need to
pay attention/wake up.  And at
that point this wave came over me,
it was surreal, because I could
hear your voice, but it was as if I
was getting another level of
instruction simultaneously.  I felt
a wave of gratitude and saw
myself greeting seeming problems
with a deep sense of gratitude,
understanding that they are simply
doorways to awakening and thus to
better circumstances and things.  It
was the most peaceful I have felt
in a very long time.  And also
incredibly “empowering.”  Words
don’t do the feeling justice. 

So much amazing empowerment in
this recording.  It was like breaking
a secret code and getting the
underlying treasure of teaching.
I Thank you once again with all my



What if YOU could have a 'shift'
around what you consider to be a
'problem'?  What would that mean
to you?  Imagine how fabulous that
would feel!!

Get my 'Problems' audio here:

When was the last time you listened
to a good audio program?  I personally
listen to audios every chance I get.
In fact right now I have at least 45
CD's in my car, LOL.  I listen every
time I'm in the car by myself.  We're
in the car a LOT more than we realize
and I take FULL advantage of that

I have 18 audio programs currently
and soon I will be changing my
selections INCLUDING my 'Problems'
audio!!  Download your copy now!!

You can see all 18 selections here:

Problems are not going away. 
Imagine knowing that ANY problem
you could handle.  Imagine knowing
that problems are CLUES that will
lead you directly to what you're
seeking.  I'll show you a brand new
way of looking at 'problems' and just
how FABULOUS they really are!!  ;-D

Have an incredible day and be SURE
to EXPECT great things ALL day!!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  I also have an INCREDIBLE
audio on 'Guilt'.  You may not think
guilt is a problem for you but think

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
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