quite frankly, don't work.
It's time for breakthroughs in
what you BELIEVE and EXPECT
for your results to SOAR and I'm
just the gal to get you there!! ;-D
I, like you, have been affected
by the energies at play right
now. I've been deep in thought
about what I REALLY want in 2011
for myself both personally and
As I result I created a brand
NEW program that I'm super
proud of. Proud truly is the word.
It's called Perception University.
It's totally unique and I'm
introducing personal accountability
and choice and a WHOLE NEW
WAY!!! Tomorrow at 10:00am
pacific is our FIRST call and I
want YOU to be on the line!!!
The call topic will be on 'Self
Hate' and I'm REALLY going to
stir things up and bring to the
surface the conversation you're
having with yourself that's
KEEPING what you want at bay.
Have you ever thought about
ALL the things you're mad at
yourself over? Have you even
considered that when things
don't go the way you expect,
you internally beat yourself up
in ways that keeps success
Tomorrow's call will be ALL
about cleaning up the hurts,
failures, losses and setbacks
and transforming those
experiences into the energy
you need for what you WANT
to manifest and experience
I'll also be sharing at least
three techniques for you to USE
right away to get clarity and
make decisions WORK for you
not matter what you choose!
It's going to be a FABULOUS
call!!! Join NOW!!!
You'll instantly receive ALL the
call-in details for tomorrow the
moment you enroll and I'm
launching Perception University
with 2009 pricing until 12/31/10!!!
Join today and SAVE, attend
tomorrows LIVE call and WATCH
what happens. It truly is amazing
what happens when you work with
BELIEFS on the inside!!
This program is EXACTLY what
you need to make 2011 DIFFERENT.
You've tried working on the outside
and taking more action. You know
the results you get. Now it's time to
work on the INSIDE and SEE what
happens!! You'll never go back
to the HARD way again.
2009 price and join me TOMORROW
the 29th at 10:00am pacific for our
launch call!! I promise you 100%
content. 1000% powerful.
AND I'll send you one of my BEST
audios to date and few other
goodies the minute you enroll to
get you started!!
Join HERE!!
I hope to hear YOU on the call
TOMORROW!!! Until then.......
EXPECT great things!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. I created Perception
University with YOU in mind!!!
Enroll NOW and get 2009
pricing for as long as you're
a member and a whole NEW
start to what shows up in 2011!!
TOMORROW is our first call,
you don't want to miss it!!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved