And welcome to APRIL!!! Woo Hoo!!
A brand NEW month is upon us and
it's time to give yourself a CLEAN

Today I feel the need to talk about
worry. Did you know that worry is
literally a PRAYER FOR WHAT
Please understand, there is
absolutely NO good that can come
of worry. Worry can NOT make
things happen faster. It does NOT
make you feel peaceful, nor does
it make you healthier.
Worry is a mental habit. You
learned how to worry. Worry is not
something we naturally know how to
do. In fact, it's natural to NOT worry.
It's natural to TRUST that all is well,
but for most of us, that's not what
we do.
All day long there is a mental movie
that's playing on the screen of your
mind. I'm here to tell you that
MOST of the day that movie playing
is about what you DON'T want to
happen. That's why what you don't
want keeps showing up! The goal
in ALL of my teachings is to not only
NOTICE that mental movie but to
deliberately choose which movie
All day today NOTICE what movie is
playing. Pay attention to your
feelings, they are a HUGE clue as to
what movie you're watching. When
you feel worry set in, CHANGE the
movie. Begin to imagine everything
working out. Begin to imagine a
nice unexpected check in the mail.
Begin to imagine feeling your
absolute best. Imagine it ALL
working out perfectly for you!! ;-D

Check out my BRAND NEW Mind
Shift Of The Month Club:
It just went live TODAY and it's
going to be AMAZING!!! I'm
putting together the GOODY BAGS
that are being sent out and all
I can say is WOOOO HOOOO!!! ;-D
Check it out.......
Have a FABULOUS week!!
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!!

Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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