Saturday, June 02, 2007

Know the Positives & Negatives of Your Reality?

Hi There,

Here we are in June. Can you
believe it? We're almost half
way through with 2007.

Welcome to all our new subscribers.
So glad you're here. I wanted to
touch base with you and share an
important insight with you.

It's about your reality box.

You may say, what IS my reality box.
or even what IS a reality box.

Let's start with the definition of
a box. There are two:

noun - rigid, typically a rectangle
receptacle often with a cover.

verb - to enclose in or as if in a box

Now I know you know what a box is and
I know you have used them many times.
You probably even think of boxes as a
way to keep things IN.

You probably don't necessary think that
a box ALSO keeps things out. The SAME
is true with YOUR reality box.

You may think that it only keeps things
in, but what you may not know is that
it also keeps things out. Important things.

This is where the problem lies. We
don't know what we don't know.

I'm sure you have heard the saying
'Need to think outside the box'

It's true!

We need to improve our 'thinking outside
the box'. In order for growth to occur in
ANY area of your life you have to stretch.

You have to get outside of your comfort
zone. If you want different results, you
will have to THINK and BELIEVE something

So I ask you. What is your reality box?
Where are you keeping new ideas and
possibilities out of your experience?

Don't know? Take a look at your results
in EVERY area of your life. Look at your:

~ finances
~ health
~ relationships
~ career
~ peace of mind
~ spirituality

When we experience struggle, become frustrated,
impatient, depressed, etc. we are getting
true guidance that our reality box needs
attention. It needs expanding.

Your thinking and box of beliefs MUST be
in alignment with where you want to go in
order to experience success.

This is where most of us get fixed and stop.

We aren't getting the results we want
and so we begin DOING something. The doing
is the problem. As soon as you start
doing something, fear and your ego gets

I'm suggesting you don't DO anything. I
suggest you examine your reality box, listen
to our own inner guidance and open your
minds to new possibilities. New boxes of

The bottom line with manifesting and creating
lasting change is.....

Your reality box needs to change in order
for your results to change. You need to
open your mind to the possibilities that it
can work. That you CAN have what you desire.

What areas are you needing to open your
mind to new possibilities? New results?
New successes?

I am going to mention a few things that WILL
help you to change or at least challenge your
current reality box.

1 - Subscribe to my weekly podcast 'Mindset
Matters'. I share an insight every Monday
to open your mind to new and exciting ways
of thinking.

Get access to every audio right now at:

2 - Take a 7 day full trial of my 'Mind Powers'
program. Listen to three years of audios,
download articles, notes and begin to make
powerful, enlightening shifts in your reality
box and current thinking.

Access three years worth of life changing
information by becoming a member:

3 - Schedule a personal session with me. I offer
30 and 60 minute sessions. Together we will
identify and uproot the limits in your
current thinking to allow what you want to
flow to you.

You will be amazed with what I share with you.
My personal session information is at:

These are just a FEW of the tools and resources
available to you right now. A more complete menu
of my services and products can be found at:

Only you can create change. Only you can
manifest in your reality. Don't do something,
open your mind to new possibilities. I will help

Until next time.....


Shelby Collinge