What person, circumstance or
life issue has been triggering
you for the last 10+ years?
What life experiences do you
keep repeating again and again?
What are you WORRIED about
MORE than you know is good for
Who has the ability to get you
upset easier than anyone else
you know?
What thoughts about the past
can get you to angry the
moment you think about them?
TODAY is the day to begin
transcending these issues. TODAY you can learn another way of
experiencing what life is TRYING
to teach you. TODAY is the day
to join my Perception University
Program and move past your
mental blocks, stories and issues
once and for all. I mention this
NOW because......THIS Wednesday
(2/9) is our next LIVE call.
I can answer ANY/ALL of your
questions and all you have to do
is type or raise your hand! This
call will be recorded and a FULL
7 day unlimited replay is available
for ALL member levels.
Wednesday's call will make a
HUGE difference in what you
experience and to what degree life
affects you. You can call in, listen
in via your web browser or even
Skype in!!! Wooo Hooo!
Pick the perfect membership
level for you (3 to choose from)
and JOIN NOW!!! You'll instantly
receive a fabulous audio program
WITH transcript and a few other
goodies to get you started the
moment you join ($89 value)!!! :-D
Life stops for no one, have you
noticed? The learning keeps coming
whether you do something about it
or not. If you want life to get easier
on you, YOU have to get easier
about life! Life is literally pass or fail.
You KNOW you haven't 'passed' if
the lesson comes back again. and
again and again!!! That's where I
come in!!! ;-D
Join NOW and let's talk or chat on
Wednesday morning!!! You can
even type your question(s) in
RIGHT NOW!!! I'll incorporate
EVERY question into our call on
Wednesday at 10:00am pacific.
It's going to be just what you
need to hear! I GUARANTEE
I look forward to hearing you on
the call!
MAKE it a FABULOUS weekend
and be sure to EXPECT happy
surprises. They're on their way!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join me THIS Wednesday at
10am pacific and EVERYTHING will
change for you in a VERY positive
way. Enroll NOW and WATCH it
unfold with your own eyes!!!
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
life issue has been triggering
you for the last 10+ years?
What life experiences do you
keep repeating again and again?
What are you WORRIED about
MORE than you know is good for
Who has the ability to get you
upset easier than anyone else
you know?
What thoughts about the past
can get you to angry the
moment you think about them?
TODAY is the day to begin
transcending these issues. TODAY you can learn another way of
experiencing what life is TRYING
to teach you. TODAY is the day
to join my Perception University
Program and move past your
mental blocks, stories and issues
once and for all. I mention this
NOW because......THIS Wednesday
(2/9) is our next LIVE call.
I can answer ANY/ALL of your
questions and all you have to do
is type or raise your hand! This
call will be recorded and a FULL
7 day unlimited replay is available
for ALL member levels.
Wednesday's call will make a
HUGE difference in what you
experience and to what degree life
affects you. You can call in, listen
in via your web browser or even
Skype in!!! Wooo Hooo!
Pick the perfect membership
level for you (3 to choose from)
and JOIN NOW!!! You'll instantly
receive a fabulous audio program
WITH transcript and a few other
goodies to get you started the
moment you join ($89 value)!!! :-D
Life stops for no one, have you
noticed? The learning keeps coming
whether you do something about it
or not. If you want life to get easier
on you, YOU have to get easier
about life! Life is literally pass or fail.
You KNOW you haven't 'passed' if
the lesson comes back again. and
again and again!!! That's where I
come in!!! ;-D
Join NOW and let's talk or chat on
Wednesday morning!!! You can
even type your question(s) in
RIGHT NOW!!! I'll incorporate
EVERY question into our call on
Wednesday at 10:00am pacific.
It's going to be just what you
need to hear! I GUARANTEE
I look forward to hearing you on
the call!
MAKE it a FABULOUS weekend
and be sure to EXPECT happy
surprises. They're on their way!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join me THIS Wednesday at
10am pacific and EVERYTHING will
change for you in a VERY positive
way. Enroll NOW and WATCH it
unfold with your own eyes!!!
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved