Hi %$firstname$%, It has been a while since I've written and I thought I would try something a little new!! ;-D What do you think?? Change can feel awkward and un-safe but change is what brings ALL the fruit. I've learned to not only embrace change but to LOVE it and welcome it, hence today's message!!

If you follow me on
Facebook or
LinkedIn you know that I recently changed my profile picture. Why? Because I changed my hair style!!! I love my new look and thought I would share it with you.
Change is FABULOUS and it brings in the new. Can you see a theme........

I have a TON of "new" happening in my business and I'm BEYOND excited. On a personal note by yellow lab Molly will be turning 10 on Friday. She is one of the sweetest dog's EVER (hence why I have two dogs, LOL) and I'm thrilled to wish her a VERY Happy Birthday. Here's a picture of her and my chocolate lab Tellula (6 1/2 years old). We walk at least 2 miles together every day. Needless to say, they both keep me quite active!! ;-D
On the business side I'm trying Mobile Coupons for the very first time. I submitted my first mobile ad yesterday. I'm awaiting it's approval and to hear it has gone LIVE. I have NO idea what the result will be, but I had an opportunity to try something NEW and I'm going for it!!
You never know unless you try! Right??!!
That's the REAL question.....are you trying NEW things, NEW attitudes, NEW behaviors, NEW thoughts, NEW beliefs? If not, why? It IS a choice. To do the same things as yesterday and think the same thoughts as yesterday is EASY to do, but it will only produce the same results you got yesterday. The NEWness is where it's at!
Only when you begin to think NEW thoughts and expect NEW results will things shift. Your
mindset matters. You've heard me say it before and it's TRUE,
'for things to change for you, YOU need to change.' You can't expect the economy to change or your job to change or your relationships to change, or your income to change, if you don't. It WON'T happen.
Change is NOT hard and quite frankly, it's liberating. It really does bring your excitement level and personal energy to a whole NEW place.
Today is the day to begin expecting NEW results and I'm going to offer a few very easy ways to invite change into your life.
As you may remember I asked for your feedback a week or so ago. I asked if you preferred an updated webpage to visit for offers and events or if you preferred offers via email with a discount because it's easier. WELL........
I was SHOCKED that over 98% of you preferred to have an email offer. I have to admit this is the exact OPPOSITE of what they teach you in marketing school. But I'm THRILLED to offer you what you want and the WAY you want it!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!! ;-D
Below are three audio programs that are NOT available on my website or
anywhere else. I have hand picked these audios to help you bring in

your harvest and allow the change that's waiting for you.
The below special priced audio offers are valid through Friday 10/22/10.
Mindset Matters members can of course use your member discount.
The first 50 people to grab one of the FABULOUS audios below will also receive a VERY special gift from me in honor of Molly's birthday!! I can't tell you what it is because it's a gift, but I CAN tell you this.......you're going to LOVE it!!!
I recommend you pick up ALL three!!!
This is the time of year to REAP your harvest. It is a choice. And the sooner you get in control of your mind and steer it in the direction YOU choose, the sooner you'll reap your harvest. I'll help you.
Have a FABULOUS rest of your week and be sure to
EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Colling