and that your week is off to a
FABULOUS start. Read today's
email from beginning to end. It's
chock FULL of insights that are
just what you need to hear today!
I want to talk about complaining.
Do you find yourself ever
complaining? Do you have the
habit of telling others what you
didn't do today and what hasn't
gone right or the way you
Complaining is a habit AND it's
addictive. It's like a drug and
the more you do it, the more you
need to do it. Complaining
literally feeds on your energy
and depletes it. Have you ever
noticed that when you complain
before you know it you're angry?
It's like the more you complain
the madder you get. So why do
you complain? Why do you focus
on what you don't want?
Notice if you complain. Notice
how you respond when someone
asks how you're doing. Notice if
others around you are
complaining and how you feel
when you hear them complain.
Take note of how, who and how
long you to talk to others who
complain. Notice if you're talking
about what you WANT or what
Life is a mirror of what you think
and believe. There are no
accidents to what is or ISN'T
showing up. But I promise you if
you complain it will take longer,
you will suffer more and life will
become more and more
challenging. It's guaranteed!!
Let complaining go. Allow positive
thoughts to fill your mind. Think
about how it CAN and WILL work
out. Talk about your intentions
and what you're working on NOW
and let every thing else go.
Start a new habit of smiling and
blessing even your biggest messes.
You needed EVERY experience
you've had to get you to this point.
Smile. You've made it this far ;-)
I have a FABULOUS 90 minute
audio that will literally SHOW you
how to shift your energy, focus
AND results in FIVE easy steps.
It's a best seller and it's worth it's
weight in gold. Literally!!! LOL
It's called my '5 Steps for Self
Soothing' and it's waiting for you
right now!! You can immediately
download yourself a copy, burn it
to a CD or listen to it on your
computer in MINUTES!!! You will
literally be changing your vibration
and manifested different results by
dinner time!!!
Download your copy here:
and be SURE to let me know what
you think!!!
Have an extraordinary week and be
sure to EXPECT great things!!!!
They're on their way! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Be SURE to pick up my '5
Steps for Self Soothing' 90 minute
mp3 audio. This email is the
ONLY way to get your hands on it
and it's THAT good!!!
Download your copy here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved