Thursday, July 09, 2009

I'll coach you personally 3x a week! - It's Changing, HURRY!

TOMORROW July 10th is my birthday and
for some reason I just can hardly wait this
year!! I truly feel like a little kid and my
excitement for what's to come is something
I've NEVER felt before :-)

I mentioned on Tuesday that a few things
were changing and THIS is one of them.
Apart from my Mind Powers Program changing
a bit (which Tuesday's email covers), the
only other program changing is my email

This program currently has hundreds of
participants from approximately 18 countries
to date, who are experiencing MAJOR changes
in their thinking and hence their results.


In my NEWEST coaching program you will
receive mindset and perspective
changing information three days a week
delivered discretely through your email
account. I will share with you how to
take 100% responsibility for your life
and how to change ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual or career)
by putting the laws of the universe to work
for YOU.

Three times a week you'll learn how to
raise your vibration, IDENTIFY the story
you keep telling yourself, then release
negative beliefs and patterns and RElearn
to align with positive feelings and beliefs.

You'll learn to give up struggle, ill health,
depression, lack and scarcity based thinking,
(just to name a few). NOW you can embrace
spiritual principles and awaken to the truths
you KNOW at a core level.

If you're not manifesting and experiencing
the results you truly desire......

If you don't believe in yourself, your
dreams or your abilities to be successful

If you're frustrated and don't know what
you're doing wrong.......

If you think you're acting and thinking
positive and yet aren't manifesting and
attracting the life you want.......

If you're not getting the support you need
from family, friends, colleagues or those
around you.......

If you haven't been able to integrate 'The
Secret' and ALL that you know about the
Laws of the Universe into your daily life....

If you're just NOT getting results or
NOTHING is changing fast enough.......

Join Now for my personal Email Coaching 3
Times a Week

This program has developed into FAR MORE
than I ever thought over the last year.
Not only will you receive an email three
days a week but I also include special audios
monthly AND I address YOUR problems!

That's right! You email me what's troubling
you and I will answer YOUR questions in
our weekly emails. No one has to know!!
It's 100% completely confidential and yet
you'll KNOW I'm talking to you!!

I will share with you EVERYTHING you need
to know to make significant, QUICK, LASTING
change in EVERY area you need a tune up.
This program is the BEGINNING step you've
asked for. Move confidently now and watch!

Join Now!

This program is ONLY $18 a month right now
for another Three (3)days! The price goes
up Monday July 13th to $47 monthly and even
that price is steal for what you get!!

If you're willing to be open minded and
experiment with NEW ways of feeling and

If you're ready to CHANGE what's going on
in your life ONCE AND FOR ALL, this program
WILL guide you.

Try it now
. You have absolutely nothing to
lose and everything to gain :-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. There is online library with a Full
YEARS WORTH back issues just BEGGING to be
explored. You will gain IMMEDIATE access to
ALL that you need here

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved