Woooooo Hoooooo the weekend
is HERE!! ;-D
Just a few hours ago I hosted a
70 minute Perception University
call. I talked about how
'Beginning aNEW' is what's
necessary. It's time to control
your 'stinkin thinkin'!!!
The replay is UP and ALL
member levels have access to
the replay for a FULL 7 days!!
Join NOW and I'll personally
send you a special link so you
can listen to today's 70 minute
call and get your thinking back
on track!!!
Not only will you receive a
bunch of BONUS products the
moment you join but if you join
TODAY (Friday January 7th at
the undergraduate or doctorate
level) I'll also send your our
last Perception University call
on 'Self Hatred'. It's been my
most popular topic to date.
You'll have a FABULOUS full
collection for your self help
library!! Join NOW and let's
get started!!!
Have a FABULOUS weekend
and remember....... thoughts
become things!!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join TODAY (Friday January
7th at the undergraduate or
doctorate level) I'll also send your
our last Perception University call
on 'Self Hatred'. It's been my
most popular topic to date.
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
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