Woooo Hoooo!!! It's time to welcome
in the year of the Dragon. Think of
today as a FRESH START!! :-D
In Eastern philosophy, the Dragon is
said to be a deliverer of good fortune
and a master of authority. So this is
YOUR year!!!
I launched my Virtual Success Therapy
yesterday and the response has
been FABULOUS!! In fact there are
LESS THAN 36 spots remaining for
my discounted CHARTER membership!!
Let's LEVERAGE the year of the Dragon
energy by MAKING this year your
best year YET!! Join my Virtual
Success Therapy program beginning
February 13th and WATCH your
limitations drop away!!
It's important to let your past make
you BETTER rather than bitter!! ;-D
Don't let the name fool you......my
Virtual Success Therapy will CHANGE
your results from the INSIDE out.
It's a full THREE month program and
calls are at 9am AND 5pm to insure
a PERFECT time for you. Calls are
WEEKLY and recorded and let me
tell you something..........
You can't listen to these calls or
audios and NOT be changed in HUGE
ways. It simply CAN'T happen!!!
My tuning fork gift will MAKE you
begin to SEE what you REALLY believe.
You then can CHOOSE to believe
something NEW now.......hence
changing your results INSTANTLY!!!
There are three payment options
to choose from and remember........
ONLY 36 spots are left at the
CHARTER price of ONLY $297!!
Register here:
Here's to the year of the Dragon!!!
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
http://www.virtualsuccesstherapy.com - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved