Sunday, June 27, 2010

The 'Aha' I just had by sending that last email!! :-D

Even though you're not on my email
list this is a fabulous example......

As I've said MANY times before, I
absolutely practice what I preach.
The universe makes me. WELL....

I sent an email earlier this morning
and in it I offered new/different ways
of connecting with me. You know
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.,
assuming you didn't like email as
a means of communicating or that
you may be missing out on
something by not being connected
with me in other places.

Key word here is ASSUMING.

I've always said when you ASSUME
you make an ASS of you AND me
( check the spelling ;-D )

If you're curious as to how I've come
to my 'A-ha' so quickly it's this. VERY
few actually clicked on the links!

Which told me immediately that the
reason you're on my email list is
because you read email, LOL. But
it's a FABULOUS teaching because
isn't this what we do ALL DAY LONG.

We push OUR story (or limitations)
onto other people, experiences
and situations. We begin thinking
others should act like we would act in
situations, and that others should
handle things the way we would
handle them. And in some cases
we get upset or frustrated when they

Sound familiar??

Well I had a belief (on some level)
that email no longer worked. I was
listening to a story in my mind that
people are tired of email,
desensitized to it and that something
new is what people wanted. I was
thinking on the LACKFUL side of the

Note.....if you think (even to yourself)
things like either/or. I can have this
OR that. I can have freedom OR
success, you're in Lack. Solution.
Replace with AND. ;-D I can have
freedom AND success. I can have
this AND that. Feels good doesn't it!!

Now that I'm CONSCIOUS of the story
I was telling myself, I can change it.
The key is to get conscious before
you have to suffer! Here's a VERY
profound statement to think about.....

'The world is a teacher to the wise
man and an enemy to the fool.'

- ancient teaching

Words don't teach it's LIFE experience
that teaches. The key to ask
yourself I learning?

I know I AM. ;-D Thanks to YOU!!

I have a new found appreciation for
email and ALL the freedom and EASE
it allows. I invite you to look at an
area where you KNOW you're
over-laying a story of doubt, lack or
not enoughness and CHANGE it. Only
you can!!

If you would like some PERSONAL
help, I would LOVE to work with you! I
just updated my online scheduler with
my summer schedule and I have more
time to work with you now!!

NOTICE what life is mirroring to you.
Seeing it will be a HUGE insight for

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. A FANTASTIC introduction to
how I can help you is my 'Manifest,
Attract & Align' 94 min audio teleclass
that I did on June 15th. Hundreds
attended live and the shifts were
AMAZING!! It comes with a 45 min
bonus Q&A audio AND two energy
process mp3s ALL for ONLY $21.
Download your copy instantly now!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

New ways to connect if this isn't your thing!! ;-D

As I'm SURE you know email has
become less and less effective
to communicate and let you in on
NEW exciting programs, services
and events.

If you get exciting news or you
want to share something fabulous
that's happening in your world, I
doubt you send an email.

Even though I have a 100% clean
in-box I know that most don't. I
know that some don't even read
email or if they do, they do it

Well in a world that is moving very
FAST, slow email opening can be
a problem. Especially if your me
and you want to share time
sensitive (in some cases)

So I wanted to make sure you
had other avenues and options
for you and I to connect. In fact
these avenues allow us to get WAY
more personal and interactive than
we could on email anyway! Here
they are.....

1) You can join me on Facebook

2) You can follow me on Twitter

3) We can connect on LinkedIn

4) You can follow my Blog

Now I'm NOT blowing up my email
database. And you will still receive
an email from me from time to
time. But I have found that I'm able
to share FAR more resources, gifts
insights and tools in the INTERACTIVE
world of Social Media.

It's like ANYTHING in life......the
more you put into something, the
more you're going to get out. AND
I want to connect and utilize tools
that you USE and enjoy.

Let's connect and take your results
to the next level!! ;-D I'll meet you

EXPECT great things today!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you want to pick up (LAST
chance) my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
94 min audio teleclass that I did
on June 15th w/45 min bonus Q&A
audio AND two energy process mp3s
for ONLY $21 use this link:

This audio won't be offered again
and it's SOOOOOO worth it!!! ;-D

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved