delightful week planned and that
you're super excited for all today
will bring you! ;-D
Yesterday was a Solar Eclipse. The
last one was in 1994 and if you
were on the West Coast it was
visible and FANTASTIC!! The
energy right now is FABULOUS and
things are destined to get better
and better.
In fact I've had some FANTASTIC
results in just the last 12 hours
(keep reading ;-D). But before I
explain, today I want to talk about
EVERYTHING you do is a result of
habit. The way you shower, the
way you get dressed, the route in
which you drive, the way you make
love and even the way you make
your morning coffee.
Everything is habitual.
Have you ever been able to predict
how someone will react or what
they will say? Have you ever been
able to finish someone's sentence?
Of course you have and the reason
you're able to do that is because
they way we act is HABITUAL.
So the question becomes.....are
your habits giving you the results
you desire?
HONESTLY?? The results you
REALLY desire???!!!!
The way you think is also habitual.
Do you habitually expect the best
or the worst? Do you think your
desires will be easy or hard to
achieve? Do you think about
scarcity or abundance most of the
time? Do you prepare for 'Plan B'
even though you want 'Plan A'?
Today's message is to BREAK your
mental habits. Notice how you
react to people and situations as
you go about your day. Notice
what you begin to think about
immediately when things don't go
your way. Notice how you feel.
You'll begin to see and feel
patterns and habits in the way you
think. THIS is the reason it can
be challenging to change your
We sometimes like to change what
we DO on the outside but mean-
while we still think it will be hard
and we won't be successful anyway
on the inside. And in case you
haven't noticed, your mind
ALWAYS wins.
No matter what you do, if you don't
believe in yourself and if you don't
have your mind on YOUR side,
success won't happen.
As I mentioned however, noticing
and observing what your mental
habits are is the first and most
critical step.
Speaking of step.......I got some
VERY good news from my tele-
webinar provider. I'm now allowed
to INCREASE my tele-webinar size
one a ONE off basis.
Which means I can INCREASE the
capacity for my upcoming 'Miracle
Mindset and Money' tele-webinar on
June 8th without having to upgrade
my account permanently!!! I am
SOOOO excited about this!!
The response I've gotten to this
training has been AWESOME and
I really want to accommodate as
many as possible!!
On Friday June 8th at 10:00am
pacific/1:00pm eastern I'm
holding a 75 minute Tele-Webinar!!
What exactly is a tele-webinar you
It's an online class that can be
attended via phone, web browser
OR Skype. There WILL be online
slides (hence the webinar piece)
but you WILL receive those if you
plan on attending via phone or
The audio and video of this
training WILL be recorded and
made available to you for download
as well as the pdf transcript, online
notes and unlimited online replay
for ONE YEAR!!
Due to it's unexpected popularity
I'm not having a web page done
and because of that I'm offering
this FULLY interactive 75 minute
training for ONLY $27!!!!
The topic is:
"Miracles, Mindset and Money!!"
Miracles cause we ALL want them!!!
Mindset cause we ALL have them!!!
Money cause we ALL use it!!!
I'll be teaching all BRAND NEW
material and will be taking LIVE
questions via online chat, phone
AND the question forum!!!
Now it's YOUR turn to Register
for ONLY $27 here:
This will be a BELIEF BUSTING tele-
webinar, I personally GUARANTEE
Sign up and I'll see you on June 8th!!
There IS still a limit on the number
of live attendees I can accommodate
but at least I can make sure YOU
get in if you register NOW!! ;-D
Register right away and enjoy today.
It's a miracle!
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
P.S. The link to register for my 'Miracles
Mindset and Money' 75 minute tele-webinar
training for ONLY $27 (space is limited)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved