Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do You Suffer From What-is-itis?

What-is-itis is the number one reason
why you're not manifesting what you
want. You are continually looking at
WHAT IS. You notice what is, you
talk about what is, you worry about
what is. Any wonder why 'what is'
KEEPS showing up?

If you continually look at what is,
all you can EVER possible manifest
is MORE of what is.

The way to CURE what-is-itis is to
fill your mind with NEW information
that can open the doors that YOU
currently have LOCKED.

Don't get me wrong...you're thinking
thoughts all day long. That won't
stop (for a while), so our goal then
becomes to change the thoughts your
thinking right now anyway, from what
you DON'T want to what you DO want.

Much like you wouldn't expect to
lose weight or get toned eating
hamburgers and french fries for
every meal you CANNOT attract
success and abundance if you fill
your mind with fear, scarcity,
doubt and worry (T.V. news, newspapers,
politics, reality T.V. etc.).

I'm teaching a 90 minute teleclass
THIS Saturday at 9:00am pacific, that
You'll learn BRAND NEW techniques
and concepts to process and alleviate
fear and worry. You'll learn what they're
trying to tell you AND you'll learn how to
heal these feelings from within you.

I'll be taking LIVE questions so you can
BE SURE no rock will be left unturned.
No question will be left unanswered.
Listen in on others questions and concerns
OR participate LIVE yourself, you choose!

Even if you can't attend this call LIVE
(although if you don't have something
planned and on the calendar RIGHT NOW,
then PLEASE DO register), the ONLY way
to get your hot little hands on this BRAND
NEW information is to register for this call!
ALL the details are at: http://bit.ly/97nG

The GOOD NEWS like I mentioned above is
What-is-itis IS curable. Many just like you have
suffered from this same condition, now live on the
'other side' of lack, fear and scarcity. I will share
it ALL with you on Saturday! AND this training
comes with a 100% money back guarantee so
you have nothing to lose!

Hope to HEAR you on Saturday!
Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. My Mind Powers Membership
Fees go up on Saturday! Become a
member today to grandfather the 2008
pricing for life of your membership!

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....


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Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved