If you said 'Yes', Congratulations!
Most wouldn't. Most are too
afraid of SUCCESS. Many aren't
even conscious of how fearful
Believe it or not unhappiness
and struggle is what most of us
witnessed growing up. Because
we witnessed these experiences
again and again WE BELIEVED IT.
Things seemed HARD and to
think life could be easy NOW.....
well that may seem like a JOKE.

But that's a BELIEF and YOU
choose what you believe NOW!!
For some reason our elders
didn't want us to think life was
easy. They didn't want things to
come to us without hard word
and a TON of effort and some
cases A LOT of begging and
pleading your case. It was
righteous to sweat hard and
You remember the term 'the
puritan work ethic'. What did
that MEAN to you?
You probably learned if you
didn't NEED it, you couldn't
have it. And now, decades
later, it's your NEEDS that get
met (MOST of the time) and
your 'fun' life is non-existent.
Am I right?

Well guess what.......the rules
HAVE CHANGED!!! Those old
beliefs DON'T WORK. It's time
to upgrade what you believe
and EXPECT and I'm just the
gal to help you!!! ;-D
My Perception University
Program is based 100% on YOU
and what areas YOU need to
change and BELIEVE something
different. Twice a month you
share WITH ME what's working
and and what's not. Then we
get together via live calls (phone,
web OR Skype), you can LISTEN
to those call for a FULL 7 day
via the replays, you receive two
transcripts, mp3 audios, Q&A
sessions on EACH CALL and
much, MUCH more.
I'll SHOW you how to take 100%
responsibility for your life in
ALL areas and how to change
ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual
physical or career) by leveraging
the power of your MIND.
Remember your mind is a TOOL.
You can use it for poverty or
prosperity and it will perform
I'll mentor you to UNCOVER
what beliefs, thoughts, stories,
expectations and patterns
YOU're carrying around in the
depths of your mind NOW,
that's KEEPING you from
achieving all that you're meant
to achieve.
It's NOT something outside of
you that's keeping what you
want from you.
It's YOU!!!
You're keeping it from you.
You don't believe it enough.
YET!!! You think you STILL
have to do/know/learn
something first. You have a
'story' that you keep telling
yourself and as a result, YOU
STAY STUCK in the same spot.
Repeating the same setbacks
and experiencing the SAME
frustrations again and again.

TODAY is the day to
CHANGE your results from
the INSIDE OUT. Have you
ever even TRIED working on
the 'mental' level to get what
you desire for ANY length of
You have NOTHING to lose.
You can always go back to
doing it 'your' way if 'my' way
doesn't work. There are FOUR
membership levels to choose
from and there is one PERFECT
for you and your budget.
We have our next LIVE call THIS
WEEK! Join now, fill out your
check-in sheet and I'll answer
YOUR questions on Friday!!
Check out all FOUR levels here:
With FOUR levels to choose
from, you'll learn how to raise
your vibration, release
negative beliefs and patterns
and align with positive energy
and beliefs. Learn how to
CHOOSE consciously which
beliefs you want and learn
how to shed the beliefs that
you don't.

Learn how to GIVE UP settling,
frustration, repeating the same
things again and again, scarcity
based thinking, WAITING and
finally EMBRACE success, EASE,
quickness, high energy, flow AND
RESULTS (just to name a few).
This is the way to finally GET OUT
I will share with you EVERYTHING
you need to know to make
significant, QUICK, LASTING
change in EVERY area you need
a tune up. I'll answer YOUR
questions twice a month AND you
can type them too!! This program
is the NEXT step you've asked for.
Move confidently now and watch!
Your life will NEVER be the same,
I guarantee it!!
BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you're interested in
saving some $$$$$ I'm
offering ONE YEAR
LEVELS for a VERY limited
time. Reply to this email
for more details!!! ;-D
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Most wouldn't. Most are too
afraid of SUCCESS. Many aren't
even conscious of how fearful
Believe it or not unhappiness
and struggle is what most of us
witnessed growing up. Because
we witnessed these experiences
again and again WE BELIEVED IT.
Things seemed HARD and to
think life could be easy NOW.....
well that may seem like a JOKE.

But that's a BELIEF and YOU
choose what you believe NOW!!
For some reason our elders
didn't want us to think life was
easy. They didn't want things to
come to us without hard word
and a TON of effort and some
cases A LOT of begging and
pleading your case. It was
righteous to sweat hard and
You remember the term 'the
puritan work ethic'. What did
that MEAN to you?
You probably learned if you
didn't NEED it, you couldn't
have it. And now, decades
later, it's your NEEDS that get
met (MOST of the time) and
your 'fun' life is non-existent.
Am I right?

Well guess what.......the rules
HAVE CHANGED!!! Those old
beliefs DON'T WORK. It's time
to upgrade what you believe
and EXPECT and I'm just the
gal to help you!!! ;-D
My Perception University
Program is based 100% on YOU
and what areas YOU need to
change and BELIEVE something
different. Twice a month you
share WITH ME what's working
and and what's not. Then we
get together via live calls (phone,
web OR Skype), you can LISTEN
to those call for a FULL 7 day
via the replays, you receive two
transcripts, mp3 audios, Q&A
sessions on EACH CALL and
much, MUCH more.
I'll SHOW you how to take 100%
responsibility for your life in
ALL areas and how to change
ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual
physical or career) by leveraging
the power of your MIND.
Remember your mind is a TOOL.
You can use it for poverty or
prosperity and it will perform
I'll mentor you to UNCOVER
what beliefs, thoughts, stories,
expectations and patterns
YOU're carrying around in the
depths of your mind NOW,
that's KEEPING you from
achieving all that you're meant
to achieve.
It's NOT something outside of
you that's keeping what you
want from you.
It's YOU!!!
You're keeping it from you.
You don't believe it enough.
YET!!! You think you STILL
have to do/know/learn
something first. You have a
'story' that you keep telling
yourself and as a result, YOU
STAY STUCK in the same spot.
Repeating the same setbacks
and experiencing the SAME
frustrations again and again.

TODAY is the day to
CHANGE your results from
the INSIDE OUT. Have you
ever even TRIED working on
the 'mental' level to get what
you desire for ANY length of
You have NOTHING to lose.
You can always go back to
doing it 'your' way if 'my' way
doesn't work. There are FOUR
membership levels to choose
from and there is one PERFECT
for you and your budget.
We have our next LIVE call THIS
WEEK! Join now, fill out your
check-in sheet and I'll answer
YOUR questions on Friday!!
Check out all FOUR levels here:
With FOUR levels to choose
from, you'll learn how to raise
your vibration, release
negative beliefs and patterns
and align with positive energy
and beliefs. Learn how to
CHOOSE consciously which
beliefs you want and learn
how to shed the beliefs that
you don't.

Learn how to GIVE UP settling,
frustration, repeating the same
things again and again, scarcity
based thinking, WAITING and
finally EMBRACE success, EASE,
quickness, high energy, flow AND
RESULTS (just to name a few).
This is the way to finally GET OUT
I will share with you EVERYTHING
you need to know to make
significant, QUICK, LASTING
change in EVERY area you need
a tune up. I'll answer YOUR
questions twice a month AND you
can type them too!! This program
is the NEXT step you've asked for.
Move confidently now and watch!
Your life will NEVER be the same,
I guarantee it!!
BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,

Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you're interested in
saving some $$$$$ I'm
offering ONE YEAR
LEVELS for a VERY limited
time. Reply to this email
for more details!!! ;-D
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved