Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's time for a NEW conversation around Money!

Hello There!

I hope your weekend has been spectacular
so far :-) I spoke at two events this
past week and while I was signing books
and chatting with audience members I
realized MORE needed to be done about
what people think about money.

Money is an interesting energy. When
you NEED it, it's no where to be found
and when you don't need it, it's
EVERYWHERE, have you noticed?

Let's face it, we all MUST have money
to survive. Money is the form of exchange
we use to buy things.

Now I'm SURE you don't think $100 is
a lot of money. Maybe you think $10,000
or $100,000 or $1 million is a lot of
money, but $100 is NOT a lot of money.
So I ask you..... Do you have $100 in
your wallet right now? When was the
last time you spent a $100 bill?

BELIEVE me, you have MANY unconscious
beliefs about money that are keeping it
from you. In less than an hour you can
completely change the energy your omitting
around money, CASH, abundance and ease.

Wouldn't it be nice to make money your
friend? Wouldn't you like to know what
to do to become a magnet to money? It all
begins with what you REALLY believe about
money AND how you think you're supposed
to receive it and WHY.

If you're ready for a NEW story around
money I invite you to pick up my Truth
About Money Audio Programs- Part 1 and
ESPECIALLY Part 2 here.

I offered a special a little over a month
ago (it's below) and it was a HUGE success,
but on Friday I offered my live audience
an incredible bonus that I'm going to offer
to you too BUT for 48 hours only!!

The first 100 people who purchase my Truth
about Money Part 2 audio program, will
ALSO receive a special BONUS audio
program! I'm not going to tell you which audio
program it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my 'Truth About Money - Part 2'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)

NOTHING beats life experience to learn from
if you can stay conscious through it all.
This is where I come in.......

For the next 48 hours if you by BOTH my
Truth about Money Program Part 1 AND Part
2 you will have the ability to ask me any
one question via email! ($288 value) Which

This way you can LISTEN to my two audio
programs, put into practice what you learn
and then get coaching on any one question
for NO COST. You'll have 60 days to ask
me your question. This gift of coaching via
email could be the key to unlocking it ALL!!

Pick up my Truth about Money Program Part 1,
Part 2 or both here.

Finally learn how to SMILE when you think
of money. :-) You'll learn how to make
money serve you, rather than YOU serving
money. Pick up my 'Truth about Money Part 1'
and Part 2!!

Enjoy your weekend and SMILE often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my 'Truth About
Money Part 2', will receive an additional special
BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute audio
program, get Yours!!)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved