Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How R You @ Creating Money, Health &.......?

Hi There!

How good are you doing at creating money,
health, good relationship and happiness?

No matter what you are experiencing right
now, Know this......

Its not as hard as you may think no matter
what people have told you or WHAT you
have experienced or are experiencing.

The REAL question is.....

Are you ready for something different?

Really ready?

If youre ready to change your story and
limiting beliefs about how to create money
health, great relationships and happiness,
then you MUST join me Tuesday for
my monthly teleclass training on:

'How Can you Deliberately Create Your Day
to Experience What You Want And NOT Want
You Dont Want?' Find out how.

Not only will you get the LIVE teleclass
but you will also get a downloadable PDF
workbook, MP3 audio recording of the call
and LIVE Q&A period.

Thats right!

I am going to open up the lines and answer
YOUR question.

Go right now and save your spot to join me
Tuesday October 17th at 5:30pm pacific
8:30 eastern.

<$firstname$> I thought you might like to know......

I have just created a monthly teleclass
training membership. You save over 30%!
You wont believe your eyes.

Go right now to:

For your 30% savings Scroll to the bottom of:

I look forward to talking with you Tuesday!

Im so excited. Its going to be GREAT!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Go right now and register for Tuesdays teleclass: