Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do You Have Infinite Patience?

Hi There,

Do you FEEL you have infinite patience?

Do you FEEL frustrated with your results?
Find that success isn't happening fast enough?

There is a saying that says 'with infinite
patience comes immediate results.'

This is a VERY true statement. When
we relax, detach and allow, our desires
seem to flow to us with the utmost ease.
The key, however, is in the detaching.

Detachment of outcomes really boils down

Do you trust that if you let go you will
get what you desire? Do you believe paying
clients WILL show up? Do you trust that
your bank account will continue to grow
if you take your foot off the gas?


Do you trust that if you let go and detach
everything will fall apart and you will fail
miserably, so you hang on very tightly and
try to control the situation from beginning
to end?

Much like with exercise, working out over
time will build stronger and stronger muscles.
We need to work, stretch and exercise our
muscles on a continual basis. The more
exercise we do, the stronger we get.

The same is true with trust. The more you
exercise your Trust muscle, the stronger
and stronger it will get.

Makes sense right?

So I ask you....

Do you work out your trust muscles? Do you
have faith in your manifesting power to
attract your success? Or do you struggle
your way day after day wondering why this
keeps happening to you?

The first lesson for today is to realize that
you are 100% responsible for the results you
get in EVERY area of your life.

Your outside world is a DIRECT reflection of
your inside thoughts and beliefs. A perfect
picture. What does your picture show you?
What would you like to change in your picture?

Change begins with YOU.

You would experience HUGE changes if you begin
to exercise your trust muscles. Trust is the
stream in which success flows. You must trust
FIRST, then success WILL arrive. The more you
trust the more success, it's that simple!

The exciting news is that you can now exercise
your trust muscles very easily. With new tele
trainings every month, two to three new videos
a month, and an audio library of Over 60+ hours,
my Mind Powers Program will exercise ALL of your
trust muscles.

Imagine how different life would be if you could
learn new insights on:

- How to deal with fear

- How to use the Power of 'Now'

- The truth about Money and how to allow more

- How to tame the negative voice that sabotages
your success

These are just a FEW of the topics you can access!
Do yourself the favor and read the information I
share with you here:

Begin today to trust in YOU. It can all be yours
if you Choose it!

Have a fabulous day..

P.S. Go right now to:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved