honest.......How have you been feeling
MOST of the time? Would you like
tomorrow to be a repeat of yesterday?
Why or why not?
I want to talk about confidence.
Now I KNOW almost everyone I talk
to would say they could use a little
more confidence in at least one area
of their life. But here's a million dollar
That's right! You read it right! You
don't need more confidence at all,
what you need is confidence in what
you WANT rather than confidence in
what you don't want.
You'll find pure spiritual principles
aren't about getting more of anything,
they're about harnessing what you
ALREADY have toward manifesting
what you WANT. Using your natural
power for GOOD.
It's always about letting go of what
isn't working to allow what will work in.
You want to grow your confidence
muscle on things working out for you!
Believe MORE that you WILL be
successful than not. Imagine in your
mind everything going just the way
you want. Talk about what you want,
pretend it's here NOW. Smile because
it's here, get excited about it. THAT'S
It feels amazing! It's knowing things
ARE working out for you. It's KNOWING.
Things ARE working out for you. KNOW
IT ;-D
You can have confidence in your fears
coming true or confidence in your
dreams coming true. You can have
confidence in your ability to feel better
or confidence you will feel worse. You
can have confidence that the
relationship you want is on its way or
you can have confidence that it's NEVER
going to happen. YOU decide in your
thoughts, feelings, mental movies and
EXPECT things are working out for you.
Have confidence in your abilities, have
confidence in YOU!
WAIT.........I'll make it EASY for you!!!
I HIGHLY recommend my '5 Steps for
Self Soothing' 90 minute audio program
(first selection here):
Think of it as home-therapy-in-a-box!
It will show you how to handle ANY
circumstance or experience to get a
totally NEW perspective (which changes
your energy and RESULTS immediately)
in only 5 easy steps!!
And there are 13 other audio programs
to choose from. Grab your favorites
EnJOY your day and know that I
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!!

Shelby Collinge
P.S. I HIGHLY recommend my '5 Steps for
Self Soothing' 90 minute audio program
(first selection here):
http://www.virtualsuccesstherapy.com - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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