As you may or may not know,
Mondays are my FAVORITEST day
of the week!!! ;-D
We also have a BONUS day this
week. Last year was a leap year
however this year we have an
EXTRA day. So consider Wednesday
the 29th a BONUS 24 hours and
really pay attention to what you do
with them!!!

Today I want to talk about your
'Favorite Things'. Now I know this
may seem like an odd request but
I want you to think of FIVE things
that you LOVE to do. Think about
this for a few minutes and REALLY
sift through the files of your mind
for five things that you truly ENJOYdoing!
I will share with you five things
I love to do:
1) Listening to music and singing
out loud
2) Private alone spa time for at
least 60 minutes
3) Listening and reading NEW
information about the mind and
quantum physics
4) Walking (with my two labs too)
5) Teaching others what I learn
You get the idea now. Once you
have created your list of FIVE
things that you LOVE to do, I want
you to DO these five things EVERY
Yep, EVERY day. You see if you
make sure you do things you LOVE
you will make sure you attract more
of what you love. But in case you
haven't noticed you tend to do
things you don't love and in some
cases may even hate. Why?
Because you think or FEEL like you
have to?

This is a NEW way to live.
You know what you love to do, so
DO THAT. Spend time feeling good
doing these five thing and WATCH
how the Universe responds to you
and how QUICKLY when you're in
this GOOD FEELING place.
ANY doubt within you that this
works (or even might work) means
you need to implement your 'five'
even SOONER!! ;-D
If you don't fill your day with High
priority good feeling things, your
day will fill itself with whatever
things show up.
As you've experienced right??
This is another way (tool) to
DELIBERATELY create what you
WANT in life, rather than passively
accept what you're getting.
I have done three of my five
already today. Happy things are
coming because I'm doing HAPPY
things that I enjoy.
You KNOW what results you get
doing it YOUR way (things you don't
love), NOW try it my way and SEE
the difference unfold right in front
of you. You can always go back to
this old way of struggling through
your day.
Let go and let IN all the good
you're seeking.

I'll walk you by the hand step-by-
step in my 30 Day Creating Miracles
It's a POWERFUL 30 day program
that arrives via email every
morning in your inbox and not only
gets you CONSCIOUS to what and
how you're thinking but also helps
you focus and re-train your mind
for what you DESIRE.
I know it's PERFECT for you. Read
what others have to say about it......
MAKE it a great week!!
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
P.S. - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved