I have the feeling this might be
something you need to hear.
I want to talk about complaining
today. Do you find yourself ever
complaining? Do you have the
HABIT of telling others what you
did or didn't do today?
Do you find that when something
negative or upsetting happens,
you have to run and tell someone
or pick up the phone to 'get it off
your chest'? Well this is
Complaining is a habit AND it's
addictive. It's like a drug and
the more you do it, the more you
need to do it. Complaining
literally feeds on your energy
and depletes it.
Have you ever noticed that when
you complain before you know it
you're angry?
It's like the more you complain
the madder you get. So are you
ready to give up complaining? Are
you ready to spend that time and
energy focusing on what you WANT?
Notice if you complain. Notice how
you respond when someone asks
how you're doing. Notice if others
around you are complaining and
how you feel when you hear them
complain. Take note of how, who,
and how long you to talk to others.
Notice if you're talking about what
you WANT or what you DON'T WANT.
Life is a mirror of what you think
and believe. There are no accidents
to what is or ISN'T showing up. But
I promise you if you complain it will
take longer, you will suffer more and
life will become more and more
Let complaining go. Allow positive
thoughts to fill your mind. Think
about how it CAN and WILL work
out. Talk about your intentions and
what you're working on NOW and let
every thing else go.
Start a new habit of smiling and
blessing even your biggest messes.
You needed EVERY experience you've
had to get you to this point. SMILE.
You've made it this far ;-D
If you could use some help.......I
have a FABULOUS 90 minute audio
on '5 Steps for Self Soothing'. It's
the first selection here:
Grab it and give it a listen. It will
REALLY change things for you in
I'm SO proud of you! Have a
FABULOUS day and remember
to EXPECT great things today!!! ;-D
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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