Happy Monday!
Happy May!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
A brand NEW month is upon us.
NOW is finally the time to
UPDATE what you believe and
EXPECT and allow what you
REALLY want to manifest and
I'm including a few tools to help
I first want to THANK everyone
who submitted questions to my
'Ask Shelby' Column. I have
picked two questions to address
in today's issue. Keep your
questions coming!! You can
submit your problem/question
at ANY time to:
Everyone who submits a
question that is used in my
column will receive a fabulous
downloadable audio program
as a special GIFT (not publicly
available). I'll be answering
questions twice on week on
Mondays and Fridays so ask
Readers can also submit
questions and have their name
and location remain
anonymous (simply state your
request in your email).
The email address to submit
your question/problem to is:
ASK SHELBY Question #1........
Hi Shelby!!
My negative repeating pattern is
procrastination or at least
finding something "else" that
"needs to be done" which, I
think, stems from feelings of
inadequacy and/or unworthiness
( ex: "Sure, so-n-so can do
"whatever" and succeed because
they -- fill in the blank -- ( are
more educated, was born with
talent, has the right connections,
etc ... )" ...
Even if there is a 'proven system'
to get the exact desired result,
that little voice likes to chime in
with his useless 2 cents worth
that, for some reason, carries a
lot more weight.
Shelby's Response.......
Hi Adam!
This is a COMMON question!
Procrastination is a GREAT sign!!
I know you may not think so.....
INITIALLY. but what it's telling
you is that your energy is NOT
This is NOT a bad thing....
With that information you have
two choices.....#1) do it anyway.
and I'm sure you've tried this
route, we ALL have and in the
end the result is NO GOOD!
OR you can choose #2) which
is to WAIT until you ARE
inspired. Believe it or not, if
it's important you WILL get
the urge when it's the RIGHT
time. The question is..... can
you WAIT.......??????
What's your story relating to
having to do it now? NOTICE.
I often find my clients tell
themselves that things HAVE
to be done by a certain date
or time but when I ask them
'who' said that......I hear
crickets. It's just a STORY
that they were told or made
up AND KEEP believing.
One of the BEST ways to get
new HELPFUL patterns going
Adam is my Creating Miracles
Ecourse! It's a FULL 30 days,
and EACH day you'll learn a
new exercise, technique or
insight to CHANGE and
patterns and beliefs you're
USING (against yourself) now.
Check it out here:
The key to remember is just
because you think somethingDOESN'T make it true!!!
YOU decide what everything
means and just for the next
week or two, make EVERY-
THING mean something
GOOD and WATCH what
happens AND how quickly!!! ;-D
ASK SHELBY Question #2.......
Hi Shelby!!
I have several repeating patterns
such as bitching and complaining
about not making enough money.
I have continued frustration with
clients and feeling unappreciated.
I don’t’ have what I consider to
be enough money every month
AND I'm not getting paid what I’m
Please Help!!
Shelby's Response.......
Hi Anonymous!
This too is a common question
I get. The KEY to your 'problems'
is your focus.
There are NO happy endings to
an unhappy journey. Right now
you're taking an unhappy journey
(and know it) and yet you are
wanting a HAPPY ending. It can't
happen. The vibrations are too
far apart.
You have to get on the HAPPY
dial. This means that EVERY
time you think about how things
AREN'T working, you have to
SWITCH focus to what IS working.
Your mind is a muscle. The more
you work it out, the easier it will
work FOR you.
Your mind is a goal seeking
mechanism. Whatever you think
about it gets working on
BRINGING about.....NO
exceptions. So......If you're
thinking about what you DON'T
want, it's on its way!!!
It's just as easy to think a happy
thought as it is to think an
unhappy thought. It's a CHOICE.
Begin making these choices of
how you feel deliberately and in
ADVANCE of what life shows you.
I have a FABULOUS audio called
'The Power of Your Words', I
HIGHLY recommend you pick it
up and listen to it over and over
again. It's ONLY $17 and it will
UNLEASH your everyday
vocabulary and really SHOW you
why things are or AREN'T showing
Grab your copy here:
It's instantly downloadable so
there is NO waiting and you'll
LOVE it. and there are 9 other
titles to choose from too!!! ;-D
Two weeks ago I hosted two calls
that were designed specifically
with YOU in mind. I've decided
to open the replay lines for TWODAYS ONLY!!!
You can listen to the FULL one
hour call as many times as you
like through Wednesday May 4th.
I GUARANTEE you there is at
least 5 HUGE insights for you in
this call. Listen online here:
OK, that's it for now!! Be sure to
send me YOUR questions!!!
Here's to a GREAT week.
EXPECT it!!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Happy May!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
A brand NEW month is upon us.
NOW is finally the time to
UPDATE what you believe and
EXPECT and allow what you
REALLY want to manifest and
I'm including a few tools to help
I first want to THANK everyone
who submitted questions to my
'Ask Shelby' Column. I have
picked two questions to address
in today's issue. Keep your
questions coming!! You can
submit your problem/question
at ANY time to:
Everyone who submits a
question that is used in my
column will receive a fabulous
downloadable audio program
as a special GIFT (not publicly
available). I'll be answering
questions twice on week on
Mondays and Fridays so ask
Readers can also submit
questions and have their name
and location remain
anonymous (simply state your
request in your email).
The email address to submit
your question/problem to is:
ASK SHELBY Question #1........
Hi Shelby!!
My negative repeating pattern is
procrastination or at least
finding something "else" that
"needs to be done" which, I
think, stems from feelings of
inadequacy and/or unworthiness
( ex: "Sure, so-n-so can do
"whatever" and succeed because
they -- fill in the blank -- ( are
more educated, was born with
talent, has the right connections,
etc ... )" ...
Even if there is a 'proven system'
to get the exact desired result,
that little voice likes to chime in
with his useless 2 cents worth
that, for some reason, carries a
lot more weight.
Can you help........
Adam - St. Paul
Adam - St. Paul
Shelby's Response.......
Hi Adam!
This is a COMMON question!
Procrastination is a GREAT sign!!
I know you may not think so.....
INITIALLY. but what it's telling
you is that your energy is NOT
This is NOT a bad thing....
With that information you have
two choices.....#1) do it anyway.
and I'm sure you've tried this
route, we ALL have and in the
end the result is NO GOOD!
OR you can choose #2) which
is to WAIT until you ARE
inspired. Believe it or not, if
it's important you WILL get
the urge when it's the RIGHT
time. The question is..... can
you WAIT.......??????
What's your story relating to
having to do it now? NOTICE.
I often find my clients tell
themselves that things HAVE
to be done by a certain date
or time but when I ask them
'who' said that......I hear
crickets. It's just a STORY
that they were told or made
up AND KEEP believing.
One of the BEST ways to get
new HELPFUL patterns going
Adam is my Creating Miracles
Ecourse! It's a FULL 30 days,
and EACH day you'll learn a
new exercise, technique or
insight to CHANGE and
patterns and beliefs you're
USING (against yourself) now.
Check it out here:
The key to remember is just
because you think somethingDOESN'T make it true!!!
YOU decide what everything
means and just for the next
week or two, make EVERY-
THING mean something
GOOD and WATCH what
happens AND how quickly!!! ;-D
ASK SHELBY Question #2.......
Hi Shelby!!
I have several repeating patterns
such as bitching and complaining
about not making enough money.
I have continued frustration with
clients and feeling unappreciated.
I don’t’ have what I consider to
be enough money every month
AND I'm not getting paid what I’m
Please Help!!
Shelby's Response.......
Hi Anonymous!
This too is a common question
I get. The KEY to your 'problems'
is your focus.
There are NO happy endings to
an unhappy journey. Right now
you're taking an unhappy journey
(and know it) and yet you are
wanting a HAPPY ending. It can't
happen. The vibrations are too
far apart.
You have to get on the HAPPY
dial. This means that EVERY
time you think about how things
AREN'T working, you have to
SWITCH focus to what IS working.
Your mind is a muscle. The more
you work it out, the easier it will
work FOR you.
Your mind is a goal seeking
mechanism. Whatever you think
about it gets working on
BRINGING about.....NO
exceptions. So......If you're
thinking about what you DON'T
want, it's on its way!!!
It's just as easy to think a happy
thought as it is to think an
unhappy thought. It's a CHOICE.
Begin making these choices of
how you feel deliberately and in
ADVANCE of what life shows you.
I have a FABULOUS audio called
'The Power of Your Words', I
HIGHLY recommend you pick it
up and listen to it over and over
again. It's ONLY $17 and it will
UNLEASH your everyday
vocabulary and really SHOW you
why things are or AREN'T showing
Grab your copy here:
It's instantly downloadable so
there is NO waiting and you'll
LOVE it. and there are 9 other
titles to choose from too!!! ;-D
Two weeks ago I hosted two calls
that were designed specifically
with YOU in mind. I've decided
to open the replay lines for TWODAYS ONLY!!!
You can listen to the FULL one
hour call as many times as you
like through Wednesday May 4th.
I GUARANTEE you there is at
least 5 HUGE insights for you in
this call. Listen online here:
OK, that's it for now!! Be sure to
send me YOUR questions!!!
Here's to a GREAT week.
EXPECT it!!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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