Do you WANT answers to your
questions? Are you ready to
move past the blocks you think
you have? Are you ready to get
what you want and LEAVE where
you currently are? Are you ready
to REALLY succeed in ALL areas?
Most people (not even knowingly)
are addicted to drama and things
NOT going well. They feed on
negativity and hysteria, expect
plan B and visualize what they
DON'T want all day long. Is this
If you haven't received it, you don't
believe it. The question I want to
help you answer is...WHY DONT YOU
It's your KEY to opening the flood
gates of success and ease. Until
you believe it......Until you believe
you're worthy of it.......Until you
EXPECT it, it's going to elude you.
But I have GREAT news for you!!
I'm THRILLED to be hosting my 2nd
Mindset Matters Program call
TONIGH at 5:00pm pacific / 8:00pm
eastern. It will be a LIVE Q&A call and
this is the part where YOU come in.
Our call will be a full hour long, for all
member levels, and I will address
questions, any setbacks and all
frustrations. With my natural 'tuning
fork' abilities and a gift to energetically
feel where you are out of alignment
(1 person or 1,000), this is a fabulous
opportunity to get un-stuck and to
move forward. Join and SEE........
Even if you can't attend live all
members have the option to send
me questions in advance. The call
WILL be recorded for those who
opted for audio and transcribed for
all members. Based on questions
that I have received so far....
I'll be covering topics like:
- repeating patterns
- expectation (negative AND positive)
- how to recognize self sabotage
- mental chatter and what it's saying
- resistance and what it means
- money, success and how to allow more
- relationships & how to attract them
- and of course YOUR question(s)!! ;-D
Join now and you will immediately
receive the call-in details for
TONIGHTS's Q&A call, not to mention
some VERY special welcome gifts.
ANY questions simply reply to this
email and let us know. We LOVE to
hear from you!!!
Be sure to EXPECT great things and I
REALLY hope to hear you on TONIGHTS's
call!! It's going to be VERY mind
opening!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
At this time tomorrow I could be answering YOUR question!! Do you want an answer?
it's an insightful question...........
Do you even WANT answers to
your questions? Are you ready to
move past the blocks you think
you have? Are you ready to get
what you want and LEAVE where
you currently are? Are you ready
to REALLY succeed in ALL areas?
Most people (not even knowingly)
are addicted to drama and things
NOT going well. They feed on
negativity and hysteria, expect
plan B and visualize what they
DON'T want all day long. Is this
If you haven't received it, you don't
believe it. The question I want to
help you answer is...WHY DONT YOU
It's your KEY to opening the flood
gates of success and ease. Until
you believe it......Until you believe
you're worthy of it.......Until you
EXPECT it, it's going to elude you.
But I have GREAT news for you!!
I'm THRILLED to be hosting my 2nd
Mindset Matters Program call
tomorrow at 5:00pm pacific / 8:00pm
eastern. It will be a LIVE Q&A call and
this is the part where YOU come in.
Our call will be a full hour long, for all
member levels, and I will address
questions, any setbacks and all
frustrations. With my natural 'tuning
fork' abilities and a gift to energetically
feel where you are out of alignment
(1 person or 1,000), this is a fabulous
opportunity to get un-stuck and to
move forward. Join and SEE........
Even if you can't attend live all
members have the option to send
me questions in advance. The call
WILL be recorded for those who
opted for audio and transcribed for
all members. Based on questions
that I have received so far....
I'll be covering topics like:
- repeating patterns
- expectation (negative AND positive)
- how to recognize self sabotage
- mental chatter and what it's saying
- resistance and what it means
- money, success and how to allow more
- relationships & how to attract them
- and of course YOUR question(s)!! ;-D
Join now and you will immediately
receive the call-in details for
Thursday's Q&A call, not to mention
some VERY special welcome gifts.
I'm also busily working on the transcript
edits from Friday's call and will be
sending them out to ALL members very
shortly and trust me, you WANT
these notes. They are terrific!!! :-D
ANY questions simply reply to this
email and let us know. We LOVE to
hear from you!!!
Be sure to EXPECT great things and I
REALLY hope to hear you on Thursday's
call!! It's going to be VERY mind
opening!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Do you even WANT answers to
your questions? Are you ready to
move past the blocks you think
you have? Are you ready to get
what you want and LEAVE where
you currently are? Are you ready
to REALLY succeed in ALL areas?
Most people (not even knowingly)
are addicted to drama and things
NOT going well. They feed on
negativity and hysteria, expect
plan B and visualize what they
DON'T want all day long. Is this
If you haven't received it, you don't
believe it. The question I want to
help you answer is...WHY DONT YOU
It's your KEY to opening the flood
gates of success and ease. Until
you believe it......Until you believe
you're worthy of it.......Until you
EXPECT it, it's going to elude you.
But I have GREAT news for you!!
I'm THRILLED to be hosting my 2nd
Mindset Matters Program call
tomorrow at 5:00pm pacific / 8:00pm
eastern. It will be a LIVE Q&A call and
this is the part where YOU come in.
Our call will be a full hour long, for all
member levels, and I will address
questions, any setbacks and all
frustrations. With my natural 'tuning
fork' abilities and a gift to energetically
feel where you are out of alignment
(1 person or 1,000), this is a fabulous
opportunity to get un-stuck and to
move forward. Join and SEE........
Even if you can't attend live all
members have the option to send
me questions in advance. The call
WILL be recorded for those who
opted for audio and transcribed for
all members. Based on questions
that I have received so far....
I'll be covering topics like:
- repeating patterns
- expectation (negative AND positive)
- how to recognize self sabotage
- mental chatter and what it's saying
- resistance and what it means
- money, success and how to allow more
- relationships & how to attract them
- and of course YOUR question(s)!! ;-D
Join now and you will immediately
receive the call-in details for
Thursday's Q&A call, not to mention
some VERY special welcome gifts.
I'm also busily working on the transcript
edits from Friday's call and will be
sending them out to ALL members very
shortly and trust me, you WANT
these notes. They are terrific!!! :-D
ANY questions simply reply to this
email and let us know. We LOVE to
hear from you!!!
Be sure to EXPECT great things and I
REALLY hope to hear you on Thursday's
call!! It's going to be VERY mind
opening!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Reminder for our Q&A call tomorrow @5pm AND a FAB coupon!! READ NOW! :-D
How are you? How is your week
going so far? :-D Wednesday is
always my favorite day to 'check-in'
with myself and to re-align mentally
where necessary to finish the week
tomorrow at
5:00pm pacific
8:00pm eastern
is my Mindset
Matters LIVE Q&A call. It's
a full hour long and will address
ALL your questions and frustrations.
This is a fabulous opportunity to get
un-stuck and to move forward.
Join now and you will immediately
receive the call-in details for
tomorrow's Q&A call, not to mention
some VERY special bonus programs.
I'm also busily working on the transcript
edits from Friday's call and will be
sending them out to ALL members very
shortly and trust me, you WANT
these notes. They are terrific!!! :-D
So you KNOW this is a HIGH quality
program worth considering AND to
hear someone else's opinion other
than mine, ;-D here's what two
NEW members had to say about my
first call last week.....
"Hi Shelby,
Here's what Audrey Johnson said
on Facebook Friday.......
"Loved your Mindset Matters call
Shelby! Looking forward to the next
one! I'm going to listen to the one
from today as many times as I can.
It was powerful! Thanks so much!"
There are three membership levels
to choose from, ALL include access
to the live calls AND transcripts!!
Check out which level is perfect for
you here:
NOW for my FAB
you can't resist
coupon offer!!
Wooo Hooo!!! :-D
I almost NEVER
discount this program because I don't have
to. It sells incredible well whenever I offer
it but I want to MAKE SURE you have a
breakthrough in a totally unexpected
way and I KNOW this program will do
the trick.
I have endless testimonials for this
program, some of which are on the
website and 95% of people who go
through this 30 day program email
me with INCREDIBLE experiences. Do
you know which program I'm talking
It's my Creating Miracles Ecourse.
This is the LAST
time I'm offering
this program this
year and I'm going
to give you an
additional $20 off
to MAKE SURE you begin it NOW and
SEE the benefits it creates!! This means
you will get my belief changing 'Creating
Miracles 30 day Ecourse' for ONLY $68!!
Use coupon code MIRACLES upon
checkout and you will immediately
save $20. This discount is good until
tomorrow Thursday September 30th
and the first 50 who enroll in my
ecourse will also receive my 'Creating
Miracles Ebook' ($47 value) FREE
as a special bonus gift!! That comes
out to be a $135 package for ONLY
$68, that's 50% off!!! :-D
I will email you the complete ebook
start to finish shortly after purchase.
This is an incredible package that will
ABSOLUTELY change how you look
at things and hence what you manifest
will change. and QUICKLY!!
Begin my 'Creating Miracles Ecourse'
NOW here:
ANY questions simply reply and let
us know. We LOVE to hear from you!!!
Use coupon code MIRACLES upon
checkout and you will immediately
save $20.
Make it a fabulous day and be sure to
EXPECT great things!!! I REALLY
hope to hear you on tomorrow's call!!
It's going to be a GREAT time!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
going so far? :-D Wednesday is
always my favorite day to 'check-in'
with myself and to re-align mentally
where necessary to finish the week

tomorrow at
5:00pm pacific
8:00pm eastern
is my Mindset
Matters LIVE Q&A call. It's
a full hour long and will address
ALL your questions and frustrations.
This is a fabulous opportunity to get
un-stuck and to move forward.
Join now and you will immediately
receive the call-in details for
tomorrow's Q&A call, not to mention
some VERY special bonus programs.
I'm also busily working on the transcript
edits from Friday's call and will be
sending them out to ALL members very
shortly and trust me, you WANT
these notes. They are terrific!!! :-D
So you KNOW this is a HIGH quality
program worth considering AND to
hear someone else's opinion other
than mine, ;-D here's what two
NEW members had to say about my
first call last week.....
"Hi Shelby,
I just listened to your first Mindset
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Thank you,"
Douglas H.
Here's what Audrey Johnson said
on Facebook Friday.......
"Loved your Mindset Matters call
Shelby! Looking forward to the next
one! I'm going to listen to the one
from today as many times as I can.
It was powerful! Thanks so much!"
There are three membership levels
to choose from, ALL include access
to the live calls AND transcripts!!
Check out which level is perfect for
you here:

you can't resist
coupon offer!!
Wooo Hooo!!! :-D
I almost NEVER
discount this program because I don't have
to. It sells incredible well whenever I offer
it but I want to MAKE SURE you have a
breakthrough in a totally unexpected
way and I KNOW this program will do
the trick.
I have endless testimonials for this
program, some of which are on the
website and 95% of people who go
through this 30 day program email
me with INCREDIBLE experiences. Do
you know which program I'm talking
It's my Creating Miracles Ecourse.

time I'm offering
this program this
year and I'm going
to give you an
additional $20 off
to MAKE SURE you begin it NOW and
SEE the benefits it creates!! This means
you will get my belief changing 'Creating
Miracles 30 day Ecourse' for ONLY $68!!
Use coupon code MIRACLES upon
checkout and you will immediately
save $20. This discount is good until
tomorrow Thursday September 30th
and the first 50 who enroll in my
ecourse will also receive my 'Creating
Miracles Ebook' ($47 value) FREE
as a special bonus gift!! That comes
out to be a $135 package for ONLY
$68, that's 50% off!!! :-D
I will email you the complete ebook
start to finish shortly after purchase.
This is an incredible package that will
ABSOLUTELY change how you look
at things and hence what you manifest
will change. and QUICKLY!!
Begin my 'Creating Miracles Ecourse'
NOW here:
ANY questions simply reply and let
us know. We LOVE to hear from you!!!
Use coupon code MIRACLES upon
checkout and you will immediately
save $20.
Make it a fabulous day and be sure to
EXPECT great things!!! I REALLY
hope to hear you on tomorrow's call!!
It's going to be a GREAT time!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, September 27, 2010
The problem with 'telling it like it is' & you're doing it ALL day long!
It's going to be a FABULOUS week
can you feel it??? :-D Today's post
is VERY insightful. THINK about
what it evokes within you and read
it a few times if necessary.........
There IS a problem with telling it
like it is, do you know what it is?
It's attention!
If you're telling it like it is and
you don't like what is, then your
attention, energy and focus is on
what you DON'T want. So what is
changes VERY, VERY slowly, I'm
sure you've noticed... ;-)
As you were growing up I'm positive
your parents would say something
along the lines of 'don't tell me
a story, tell me the TRUTH.' You
hear that enough times and you
begin to believe more in the 'truth'
then in your story of how you
WANT it to be, and this is where it
You have to tell a NEW story. A
story of how you WANT it to be,
NOT the way it IS. Then you must
tell that story enough times that
YOU believe it. When you believe it,
you'll receive it and not a moment
You may think it's your clients you
need to convince or your boss or
your spouse, but the REAL one who
needs convincing is YOU. Your
beliefs control EVERYTHING.
Now I'm not saying it's the easiest
thing in the world to change a
belief. But it IS POSSIBLE. A belief
is nothing more than a thought or
story you keep telling yourself over
and over and over again.
So how do you change a belief you
ask? One thought at a time. The
EASIEST way to 'reset' things is to
learn how to live in the NOW. The
present moment is a VERY magical
moment. All things are possible, the
answers you seek are there and ALL
of your power for creation lies in the
present moment.
I have an incredible program that
will teach you how to leverage the
NOW, how to move you rapidly toward
what you DO want, rather than what
is and it will guide you to letting go
of what isn't allowing you to prosper
in ways you truly deserve.
Find out more here:
Here's a quote that I recently
tweeted, it sums up my email
'In school you get the lesson and
then take the test.....In life you take
the test and then get the lesson.'
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
can you feel it??? :-D Today's post
is VERY insightful. THINK about
what it evokes within you and read
it a few times if necessary.........
There IS a problem with telling it
like it is, do you know what it is?
It's attention!
If you're telling it like it is and
you don't like what is, then your
attention, energy and focus is on
what you DON'T want. So what is
changes VERY, VERY slowly, I'm
sure you've noticed... ;-)
As you were growing up I'm positive
your parents would say something
along the lines of 'don't tell me
a story, tell me the TRUTH.' You
hear that enough times and you
begin to believe more in the 'truth'
then in your story of how you
WANT it to be, and this is where it
You have to tell a NEW story. A
story of how you WANT it to be,
NOT the way it IS. Then you must
tell that story enough times that
YOU believe it. When you believe it,
you'll receive it and not a moment
You may think it's your clients you
need to convince or your boss or
your spouse, but the REAL one who
needs convincing is YOU. Your
beliefs control EVERYTHING.
Now I'm not saying it's the easiest
thing in the world to change a
belief. But it IS POSSIBLE. A belief
is nothing more than a thought or
story you keep telling yourself over
and over and over again.
So how do you change a belief you
ask? One thought at a time. The
EASIEST way to 'reset' things is to
learn how to live in the NOW. The
present moment is a VERY magical
moment. All things are possible, the
answers you seek are there and ALL
of your power for creation lies in the
present moment.
I have an incredible program that
will teach you how to leverage the
NOW, how to move you rapidly toward
what you DO want, rather than what
is and it will guide you to letting go
of what isn't allowing you to prosper
in ways you truly deserve.
Find out more here:
Here's a quote that I recently
tweeted, it sums up my email
'In school you get the lesson and
then take the test.....In life you take
the test and then get the lesson.'
- Unknown
My Miracle Ecourse is a step-by-step
program that WILL change how you
deliberately create almost
immediately and will SHOW you how
easy and how powerful YOUR mind
really is. This the LAST time I'm
offering this program this year. If
you haven't been through my 30 day
Creating Miracles Ecouse, begin it
now, you'll blow yourself away!!!
ENJOY you week and be sure to
EXPECT great things ALL day!!! ;-D
My Miracle Ecourse is a step-by-step
program that WILL change how you
deliberately create almost
immediately and will SHOW you how
easy and how powerful YOUR mind
really is. This the LAST time I'm
offering this program this year. If
you haven't been through my 30 day
Creating Miracles Ecouse, begin it
now, you'll blow yourself away!!!
ENJOY you week and be sure to
EXPECT great things ALL day!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is the last time this program
will be offered this year. I recently
launched a 'monthly' program offering
and my Miracles Ecourse will not be
offered after 9/30. This is one of my
best selling programs and I receive
client testimonials EVERY DAY from
those in the program. It really is that
good!!! will be offered this year. I recently
launched a 'monthly' program offering
and my Miracles Ecourse will not be
offered after 9/30. This is one of my
best selling programs and I receive
client testimonials EVERY DAY from
those in the program. It really is that
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, September 26, 2010
OK, OK, I'll give you 1 more day AND Thur I'll answer your questions!!
I opened my email this morning
and had eight messages from
folks saying that they don't check
email until Sunday over the
weekend and that it wasn't fair that
I stopped giving my "How to Reap
your Harvest" audio yesterday SO.....
I'll give you today too to join!!! ;-D
You will also immediately receive our
call-in details for Thursday's LIVE
Question and Answer call at 5:00pm
pacific. You can email question in
advance too!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!
Friday's topic and call was FABULOUS
(which I totally expected) but what
shocked me was.........
65% of people who had previously
signed up for my $17 Bronze level
immediately UPGRADED their
membership to Silver level right
after our call sighting the reason:
'They wanted the recording, they
were THAT impressed'.
Here's what brand new member
Douglas wrote to me saying......
Here's what Audrey Johnson said
on Facebook yesterday.......
"Loved your Mindset Matters call
Shelby! Looking forward to the next
one! I'm going to listen to the one
from today as many times as I can.
It was powerful! Thanks so much!"
I'm beyond thrilled that the topic
of 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
was that well received and I want
to give you the opportunity to join
and get the audio too!!
Join at the Silver Level below and
check your email for IMMEDIATE
welcome gifts. Then get ready.....
I'll be personally sending you the
mp3 audio download of Friday's
'Harvest' call!! Wooo Hoooo!
In my 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
call I covered topics like..............
- the power of living in the 'now'
- manifesting and some 'how to's'
- the past and the future
- beliefs and expectation
- resistance and how to handle it
- the Law of Suffering and
- the Law of Ease
and much, much more!
I will personally email the recording
link to ANYONE who signs up at my
Silver or Gold level for the remainder
of TODAY (Sunday Sept 26th). You
will also immediately receive the call
details for our LIVE Q&A call at 5:00pm
Thursday!! You don't want to miss it!
EXPECT great things ALL day today,
ONLY YOU CAN. Enroll now in my
Mindset Matters Program and then
check your email for my 'Harvest' audio.
It's PACKED with insights to move you
rapidly toward what you want!!
You're going to LOVE it, I Promise!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
I LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join at the Silver Level and
not only will you get my 'Harvest'
audio but you'll also get instant
welcome gifts AND details for
Thursday's Q&A call!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
P.P.S. I have created a FABULOUS
monthly offerings
page. I have
hand picked
these products
and they are
available for
month ONLY!!
I have picks
for ALL learning
levels AND I HIGHLY recommend
you pick up a personally SIGNED
autographed copy of my book
'Walking with Wise - Entrepreneur'
Grab your copy and check out what
other cool products I'm offering
this month (UNTIL 9/30/10) here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
and had eight messages from
folks saying that they don't check
email until Sunday over the
weekend and that it wasn't fair that
I stopped giving my "How to Reap
your Harvest" audio yesterday SO.....
I'll give you today too to join!!! ;-D
You will also immediately receive our
call-in details for Thursday's LIVE
Question and Answer call at 5:00pm
pacific. You can email question in
advance too!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!
Friday's topic and call was FABULOUS
(which I totally expected) but what
shocked me was.........
65% of people who had previously
signed up for my $17 Bronze level
immediately UPGRADED their
membership to Silver level right
after our call sighting the reason:
'They wanted the recording, they
were THAT impressed'.
Here's what brand new member
Douglas wrote to me saying......
"Hi Shelby,
I just listened to your first Mindset
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Thank you,
Douglas H.
Here's what Audrey Johnson said
on Facebook yesterday.......
"Loved your Mindset Matters call
Shelby! Looking forward to the next
one! I'm going to listen to the one
from today as many times as I can.
It was powerful! Thanks so much!"
I'm beyond thrilled that the topic
of 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
was that well received and I want
to give you the opportunity to join
and get the audio too!!
check your email for IMMEDIATE
welcome gifts. Then get ready.....
I'll be personally sending you the
mp3 audio download of Friday's
'Harvest' call!! Wooo Hoooo!
In my 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
call I covered topics like..............
- the power of living in the 'now'
- manifesting and some 'how to's'
- the past and the future
- beliefs and expectation
- resistance and how to handle it
- the Law of Suffering and
- the Law of Ease
and much, much more!
I will personally email the recording
link to ANYONE who signs up at my
Silver or Gold level for the remainder
of TODAY (Sunday Sept 26th). You
will also immediately receive the call
details for our LIVE Q&A call at 5:00pm
Thursday!! You don't want to miss it!
EXPECT great things ALL day today,
ONLY YOU CAN. Enroll now in my
Mindset Matters Program and then
check your email for my 'Harvest' audio.
It's PACKED with insights to move you
rapidly toward what you want!!
You're going to LOVE it, I Promise!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
I LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join at the Silver Level and
not only will you get my 'Harvest'
audio but you'll also get instant
welcome gifts AND details for
Thursday's Q&A call!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
P.P.S. I have created a FABULOUS

page. I have
hand picked
these products
and they are
available for
month ONLY!!
I have picks
for ALL learning
levels AND I HIGHLY recommend
you pick up a personally SIGNED
autographed copy of my book
'Walking with Wise - Entrepreneur'
Grab your copy and check out what
other cool products I'm offering
this month (UNTIL 9/30/10) here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Final 8 hours to get my 'How to Reap Your Harvest' 64 min audio!!
My first Mindset Matters Program
call was yesterday and the topic
was 'How to Reap your Harvest'.
Well it was a FABULOUS call
(which I totally expected) but what
shocked me was.........
65% of people who had previously
signed up for my $17 Bronze level
immediately UPGRADED their
membership to Silver level right
after our call sighting the reason:
'They wanted the recording, they
were THAT impressed'.
Here's what brand new member
Douglas wrote to me saying......
Here's what Audrey Johnson said
on Facebook yesterday.......
"Loved your Mindset Matters call
Shelby! Looking forward to the next
one! I'm going to listen to the one
from today as many times as I can.
It was powerful! Thanks so much!"
I'm beyond thrilled that the topic
of 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
was that well received and I want
to give you the opportunity to join
and get the audio too!!
Join at the Silver Level below and
check your email for IMMEDIATE
welcome gifts. Then get ready.....
I'll be personally sending you the
mp3 audio download of yesterday's
'Harvest' call!! Wooo Hoooo!
In my 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
call I covered topics like..............
- the power of living in the 'now'
- manifesting and some 'how to's'
- the past and the future
- beliefs and expectation
- resistance and how to handle it
- the Law of Suffering and
- the Law of Ease
and much, much more!
I will personally email the recording
link to ANYONE who signs up at my
Silver or Gold level for the remainder
of TODAY (Saturday Sept 25th). You
will also immediately receive the call
details for our LIVE Q&A call on
Thursday!! You don't want to miss it!
EXPECT great things ALL day today
ONLY YOU CAN. Enroll now in my
Mindset Matters Program and then check
your email for my 'Harvest' audio. It's
PACKED with insights to move you rapidly
toward what you want!!
You're going to LOVE it, I Promise!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join at the Silver Level and
not only will you get my 'Harvest'
audio but you'll also get instant
welcome gifts AND details for
next week's Q&A call!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
P.P.S. I have created a FABULOUS
monthly offerings
page. I have
hand picked
these products
and they are
available for
month ONLY!!
I have picks
for ALL learning
levels AND I HIGHLY recommend
you pick up a personally SIGNED
autographed copy of my book
'Walking with Wise - Entreprenuer'
Grab your copy and check out what
other cool products I'm offering
this month (UNTIL 9/30/10) here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
call was yesterday and the topic
was 'How to Reap your Harvest'.
Well it was a FABULOUS call
(which I totally expected) but what
shocked me was.........
65% of people who had previously
signed up for my $17 Bronze level
immediately UPGRADED their
membership to Silver level right
after our call sighting the reason:
'They wanted the recording, they
were THAT impressed'.
Here's what brand new member
Douglas wrote to me saying......
"Hi Shelby,
I just listened to your first Mindset
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Thank you,
Douglas H.
Here's what Audrey Johnson said
on Facebook yesterday.......
"Loved your Mindset Matters call
Shelby! Looking forward to the next
one! I'm going to listen to the one
from today as many times as I can.
It was powerful! Thanks so much!"
I'm beyond thrilled that the topic
of 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
was that well received and I want
to give you the opportunity to join
and get the audio too!!
check your email for IMMEDIATE
welcome gifts. Then get ready.....
I'll be personally sending you the
mp3 audio download of yesterday's
'Harvest' call!! Wooo Hoooo!
In my 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
call I covered topics like..............
- the power of living in the 'now'
- manifesting and some 'how to's'
- the past and the future
- beliefs and expectation
- resistance and how to handle it
- the Law of Suffering and
- the Law of Ease
and much, much more!
I will personally email the recording
link to ANYONE who signs up at my
Silver or Gold level for the remainder
of TODAY (Saturday Sept 25th). You
will also immediately receive the call
details for our LIVE Q&A call on
Thursday!! You don't want to miss it!
EXPECT great things ALL day today
ONLY YOU CAN. Enroll now in my
Mindset Matters Program and then check
your email for my 'Harvest' audio. It's
PACKED with insights to move you rapidly
toward what you want!!
You're going to LOVE it, I Promise!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join at the Silver Level and
not only will you get my 'Harvest'
audio but you'll also get instant
welcome gifts AND details for
next week's Q&A call!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
P.P.S. I have created a FABULOUS

page. I have
hand picked
these products
and they are
available for
month ONLY!!
I have picks
for ALL learning
levels AND I HIGHLY recommend
you pick up a personally SIGNED
autographed copy of my book
'Walking with Wise - Entreprenuer'
Grab your copy and check out what
other cool products I'm offering
this month (UNTIL 9/30/10) here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, September 24, 2010
I had my first Mindset Matters call at 10:00am today and GUESS What Happend??!!
well it was a FABULOUS call
(which I totally expected) but what
shocked me was.........
65% of people who had previously
signed up for my $17 Bronze level
immediately UPGRADED their
membership to Silver level right
after our call sighting the reason:
'They wanted the recording, they
were THAT impressed'.
Here's what brand new member
Douglas wrote to me saying......
I'm beyond thrilled that the topic
of 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
was that well received and I want
to give you the opportunity to join
and get today's audio too!!
Join at the Silver Level below and
check your email for IMMEDIATE
welcome gifts. Then get ready.....
I'll be sending the mp3 audio
download of today's 'Harvest' call
around 5:00pm tonight!! Wooo
In today's 'How to Bring in Your
Harvest' call I covered topics
- the power of living in the 'now'
- manifesting and some 'how to's'
- the past and the future
- beliefs and expectation
- resistance and how to handle it
- the Law of Suffering and
- the Law of Ease
and much, much more!
I will personally email the recording
link to ANYONE who signs up at my
Silver or Gold level today or tomorrow
(Fri or Sat Sept 24 & 25th).
EXPECT great things ALL day today,
ONLY YOU CAN. Enroll now in
my Mindset Matters Program and
then check your email a little later for
my 'Harvest' audio. It's PACKED
with insights to move you rapidly
toward what you want!!
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join at the Silver Level and
not only will you get my 'Harvest'
audio but you'll also get instant
welcome gifts AND details for
next week's Q&A call!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
P.P.S. I have created a FABULOUS
monthly offerings
page. I have
hand picked
these products
and they are
available for
month ONLY!!
I have picks
for ALL learning
levels AND I HIGHLY recommend
you pick up a personally SIGNED
autographed copy of my book
'Walking with Wise - Entreprenuer'
Grab your copy and check out what
other cool products I'm offering
this month (UNTIL 9/30/10) here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
(which I totally expected) but what
shocked me was.........
65% of people who had previously
signed up for my $17 Bronze level
immediately UPGRADED their
membership to Silver level right
after our call sighting the reason:
'They wanted the recording, they
were THAT impressed'.
Here's what brand new member
Douglas wrote to me saying......
"Hi Shelby,
I just listened to your first Mindset
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Matters call this morning and
really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so
much that I would like to upgrade
my subscription to your silver
($37 monthly) package immediately
and would also like to get an mp3
of today's call. Please let me know
what has to be done to upgrade
my membership.
Thank you,
Douglas H.
of 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
was that well received and I want
to give you the opportunity to join
and get today's audio too!!
Join at the Silver Level below and
check your email for IMMEDIATE
welcome gifts. Then get ready.....
I'll be sending the mp3 audio
download of today's 'Harvest' call
around 5:00pm tonight!! Wooo
In today's 'How to Bring in Your
Harvest' call I covered topics
- the power of living in the 'now'
- manifesting and some 'how to's'
- the past and the future
- beliefs and expectation
- resistance and how to handle it
- the Law of Suffering and
- the Law of Ease
and much, much more!
I will personally email the recording
link to ANYONE who signs up at my
Silver or Gold level today or tomorrow
(Fri or Sat Sept 24 & 25th).
EXPECT great things ALL day today,
ONLY YOU CAN. Enroll now in
my Mindset Matters Program and
then check your email a little later for
my 'Harvest' audio. It's PACKED
with insights to move you rapidly
toward what you want!!
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join at the Silver Level and
not only will you get my 'Harvest'
audio but you'll also get instant
welcome gifts AND details for
next week's Q&A call!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!
P.P.S. I have created a FABULOUS

page. I have
hand picked
these products
and they are
available for
month ONLY!!
I have picks
for ALL learning
levels AND I HIGHLY recommend
you pick up a personally SIGNED
autographed copy of my book
'Walking with Wise - Entreprenuer'
Grab your copy and check out what
other cool products I'm offering
this month (UNTIL 9/30/10) here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, September 23, 2010
We start in LESS than 12 hours!! Are you in??
I'm SURE you're ready to SEE and
experience the harvest from the
mental seeds that you've planted over
the previous, years, months and days
right??? Well NOW is the time to
receive it. TODAY at 10:00am pacific
is our FIRST Mindset Matters call and
I will be talking about your HARVEST
and how to claim it!
TODAY I'll cover in a 60 minute call
things like:
- Manifesting. What works and what
- How to uncover what you REALLY
believe and expect AND how to
change it
- How to notice the self sabotage
patterns you're using that keep you
in the SAME place
- How to align on an energetic, mental
and emotional level
- How to control and
beFRIEND that little
voice that's always
talking to you in your
- the list goes ON and ON.......
Join now and I'll send you the call-in
details ri
ght away
for TODAY not to
mention, you will
receive some
fabulous welcome
gifts (right away)
that will get you ready for TODAY's
call!! ;-D
Pick the perfect level for you here:
As you know I launched my Mindset
Matters Program last Friday (I can't
believe it's been a week) and it has
been INCREDIBLY insightful for me,
LOL. I have learned a TON and have
gotten MUCH clearer about a few things.
As a result I have made some
significant and FABULOUS changes!!
Changes like........

- I added typed pdf
transcripts to each level
for deeper learning and
for all you book lovers!! ;-D
- I added a bronze level which is LESS
than $20 a month!! SUPER
AFFORDABLE on ANY budget!!
- Discounts for all members on
ALL my programs and events!
and much, much, more!
Check them ALL out here:
EXPECT great things today, ONLY YOU
CAN and I hope to hear you on TODAY's
call at 10:00am pacific/1:00pm eastern!!
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I'll talk to you on TODAY at
10:00am pacific!!!! ;-D
P.P.S. I have
created a FABULOUS
monthly program
offerings page.
These products
are available for
month ONLY!! I
have recommendations
for ALL levels AND I
HIGHLY recommend you pick up a
personally SIGNED autographed copy of
my book 'Walking with Wise - Entreprenuer'
Check out what I'm offering this month:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
experience the harvest from the
mental seeds that you've planted over
the previous, years, months and days
right??? Well NOW is the time to
receive it. TODAY at 10:00am pacific
is our FIRST Mindset Matters call and
I will be talking about your HARVEST
and how to claim it!
TODAY I'll cover in a 60 minute call
things like:
- Manifesting. What works and what
- How to uncover what you REALLY
believe and expect AND how to
change it
- How to notice the self sabotage
patterns you're using that keep you
in the SAME place
- How to align on an energetic, mental
and emotional level

beFRIEND that little
voice that's always
talking to you in your
- the list goes ON and ON.......
Join now and I'll send you the call-in
details ri

for TODAY not to
mention, you will
receive some
fabulous welcome
gifts (right away)
that will get you ready for TODAY's
call!! ;-D
Pick the perfect level for you here:
As you know I launched my Mindset
Matters Program last Friday (I can't
believe it's been a week) and it has
been INCREDIBLY insightful for me,
LOL. I have learned a TON and have
gotten MUCH clearer about a few things.
As a result I have made some
significant and FABULOUS changes!!
Changes like........

- I added typed pdf
transcripts to each level
for deeper learning and
for all you book lovers!! ;-D
- I added a bronze level which is LESS
than $20 a month!! SUPER
AFFORDABLE on ANY budget!!
- Discounts for all members on
ALL my programs and events!
and much, much, more!
Check them ALL out here:
EXPECT great things today, ONLY YOU
CAN and I hope to hear you on TODAY's
call at 10:00am pacific/1:00pm eastern!!
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us know,
we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I'll talk to you on TODAY at
10:00am pacific!!!! ;-D

created a FABULOUS
monthly program
offerings page.
These products
are available for
month ONLY!! I
have recommendations
for ALL levels AND I
HIGHLY recommend you pick up a
personally SIGNED autographed copy of
my book 'Walking with Wise - Entreprenuer'
Check out what I'm offering this month:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Welcome to Fall are you ready to claim your HARVEST? Join me tomorrow at 10am!!
Happy Thursday and happy FALL!!!
Woooooo Hoooooo!!
Today is a full moon AND the autumn
equinox! Which means we will have
equal amounts of daylight and
darkness today and then the days will
begin to get shorter. :-D
Autumn = HARVEST time!!
I'm SURE you're ready to SEE and
experience the harvest from the
mental seeds that you've planted over
the previous, years, months and days
right??? Well NOW is the time to
receive it. Tomorrow is our FIRST
Mindset Matters call and I will be talking
about your HARVEST and how to claim
Join now and I'll send you the call-in
details right away for tomorrow not to
mention, you will receive some fabulous
welcome gifts (right away) that will get
you ready for tomorrow's call!! ;-D
Pick the perfect level for you here:
As you know I launched my Mindset
Matters Program last Friday (I can't
believe it's been almost a week) and it
has been INCREDIBLY insightful for me,
LOL. I have learned a TON and have
gotten MUCH clearer about a few things.
As a result I have made some significant
and FABULOUS changes!!
Changes like........
- I added written transcripts to each
level for deeper learning and for all
you book lovers!! ;-D
- I added a bronze level which is
LESS than $20 a month!! SUPER
AFFORDABLE on ANY budget!!
- Discounts for all members on
ALL my programs and events!
and much, much, more!
Check them ALL out here:
Finish the week strong, ONLY YOU
CAN and I hope to hear you on
Tomorrow's call!! It's going to be
ANY questions, reply and let us
know, we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I'll talk to you on TOMORROW
at 10:00am pacific!!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Woooooo Hoooooo!!
Today is a full moon AND the autumn
equinox! Which means we will have
equal amounts of daylight and
darkness today and then the days will
begin to get shorter. :-D
Autumn = HARVEST time!!
I'm SURE you're ready to SEE and
experience the harvest from the
mental seeds that you've planted over
the previous, years, months and days
right??? Well NOW is the time to
receive it. Tomorrow is our FIRST
Mindset Matters call and I will be talking
about your HARVEST and how to claim
Join now and I'll send you the call-in
details right away for tomorrow not to
mention, you will receive some fabulous
welcome gifts (right away) that will get
you ready for tomorrow's call!! ;-D
Pick the perfect level for you here:
As you know I launched my Mindset
Matters Program last Friday (I can't
believe it's been almost a week) and it
has been INCREDIBLY insightful for me,
LOL. I have learned a TON and have
gotten MUCH clearer about a few things.
As a result I have made some significant
and FABULOUS changes!!
Changes like........
- I added written transcripts to each
level for deeper learning and for all
you book lovers!! ;-D
- I added a bronze level which is
LESS than $20 a month!! SUPER
AFFORDABLE on ANY budget!!
- Discounts for all members on
ALL my programs and events!
and much, much, more!
Check them ALL out here:
Finish the week strong, ONLY YOU
CAN and I hope to hear you on
Tomorrow's call!! It's going to be
ANY questions, reply and let us
know, we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I'll talk to you on TOMORROW
at 10:00am pacific!!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, September 20, 2010
I've taken one away, I've added one & NOW it's perfect!!!
Happy Monday!
Get ready for an AMAZING week!!
Thursday marks a full moon AND
the autumn equinox! Which means
we will have equal amounts of
daylight and darkness on Thursday.
And then the days will get shorter.
I don't know about you but I am
MORE than ready for Fall. Of
course we're still hitting close to
100 here in Las Vegas still!! :-O
Fall will feel like a VERY welcomed
sign for sure.
As you know I launched my Mindset
Matters Program on Friday and it
has been INCREDIBLY insightful
for me, LOL. I have learned a TON
and have gotten MUCH clearer.
As a result I have made some
significant and FABULOUS changes!!
Changes like........
- I added written transcripts to each
level for deeper learner and for all
you book lovers!! ;-D
- I added a bronze level which is
LESS than $20 a month!! SUPER
- Discounts for all members on
ALL my programs and events!
and much, much, more!
Check it out here:
Being as though we have less
than two weeks to the month of
September, our first Mindset Matters
call will be THIS FRIDAY at 10:00am
pacific and our second call will be
NEXT THURSDAY at 5:00pm pacific.
Join today!! :-D You will receive
some fabulous welcome gifts (right
away) that will get you ready for
Friday!! ;-D
Pick the perfect level for you here:
MAKE it an incredible week and I
hope to hear you on Friday's call!!
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us
know, we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. It's changed quite a bit and
even if you took a peek on Friday,
check out this page NOW!!!
Then I'll talk to you on Friday at
10:00am pacific!!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Get ready for an AMAZING week!!
Thursday marks a full moon AND
the autumn equinox! Which means
we will have equal amounts of
daylight and darkness on Thursday.
And then the days will get shorter.
I don't know about you but I am
MORE than ready for Fall. Of
course we're still hitting close to
100 here in Las Vegas still!! :-O
Fall will feel like a VERY welcomed
sign for sure.
As you know I launched my Mindset
Matters Program on Friday and it
has been INCREDIBLY insightful
for me, LOL. I have learned a TON
and have gotten MUCH clearer.
As a result I have made some
significant and FABULOUS changes!!
Changes like........
- I added written transcripts to each
level for deeper learner and for all
you book lovers!! ;-D
- I added a bronze level which is
LESS than $20 a month!! SUPER
- Discounts for all members on
ALL my programs and events!
and much, much, more!
Check it out here:
Being as though we have less
than two weeks to the month of
September, our first Mindset Matters
call will be THIS FRIDAY at 10:00am
pacific and our second call will be
NEXT THURSDAY at 5:00pm pacific.
Join today!! :-D You will receive
some fabulous welcome gifts (right
away) that will get you ready for
Friday!! ;-D
Pick the perfect level for you here:
MAKE it an incredible week and I
hope to hear you on Friday's call!!
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! ;-D
ANY questions, reply and let us
know, we LOVE to hear from you!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. It's changed quite a bit and
even if you took a peek on Friday,
check out this page NOW!!!
Then I'll talk to you on Friday at
10:00am pacific!!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, September 17, 2010
It's time for Mindset Matters, because it ABSOLUTELY does!!
I'm BEYOND thrilled to be
the launch of
my NEW
Mindset Matters
I created this program
SPECIFICALLY to help you
experience the results you've
been desiring. It WILL work and
help you manifest the results you
want in ANY area of your life.
Consisting of two LIVE monthly
teleclasses (w/mp3s) and the
option of working with me via
email and/or via personal session,
together we'll bring to your
conscious awareness what you
REALLY believe and expect.
THEN we'll working on changing
what you expect to be what you
truly WANT!!!
Why.....because you receive what
you BELIEVE......period!
I have kept the membership
levels EXTREMELY affordable
and I know there is a level that
will work perfectly for YOU!!
I'm going to
offer the first
100 members
who sign up at
ANY level (silver,
gold or
a special
Launch Pad Pack'. ($111) I have put together a fabulous array
of BRAND NEW programs valued
at $111 and it's my FREE gift to
the first 100 members.
I'll email it to you personally
and it includes:
a 9 page special report on '32
ways to move, handle and
process energy and emotions'.
'Introductions to Law of Attraction'
Home Study Program complete
w/ pdf downloadable workbooks
AND my 'Fear of Success' audio
Get your 'Manifestation Launch
Pad Pack' here:
I hand picked the perfect combination
of products to get your mind
moving in the right direction even
before our live calls begin.
NEXT WEEK will be our FIRST
Mindset Matters call (details to
follow) and it's going to be
off-the-hook FABULOUS!! Join
my Mindset Matters Program now
and I'll email you my 'Manifestation
Launch Pad Pack' right away!!!
you're going to LOVE it!!
I am SO ready to SHOW you
how things can be easier and what
you want CAN show up more quickly.
Your Mindset Matters, it ABSOLUTELY
does. This program will unravel the
difficulty and give you the added juice
necessary to take things to the next
Join now and SEE. I'll send you my
'Manifestation Launch Pad Pack'
right away!!
Have a tremendous weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The first 100 members who
sign up at ANY level (silver, gold or
platinum) will receive a special
'Manifestation Launch Pad Pack'. ($111 value). It's my FREE gift to
you and I'll email it to you personally!!
Join here!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

the launch of
my NEW
Mindset Matters
I created this program
SPECIFICALLY to help you
experience the results you've
been desiring. It WILL work and
help you manifest the results you
want in ANY area of your life.
Consisting of two LIVE monthly
teleclasses (w/mp3s) and the
option of working with me via
email and/or via personal session,
together we'll bring to your
conscious awareness what you
REALLY believe and expect.
THEN we'll working on changing
what you expect to be what you
truly WANT!!!
Why.....because you receive what
you BELIEVE......period!
I have kept the membership
levels EXTREMELY affordable
and I know there is a level that
will work perfectly for YOU!!

offer the first
100 members
who sign up at
ANY level (silver,
gold or
a special
Launch Pad Pack'. ($111) I have put together a fabulous array
of BRAND NEW programs valued
at $111 and it's my FREE gift to
the first 100 members.
I'll email it to you personally
and it includes:
a 9 page special report on '32
ways to move, handle and
process energy and emotions'.
'Introductions to Law of Attraction'
Home Study Program complete
w/ pdf downloadable workbooks
AND my 'Fear of Success' audio
Get your 'Manifestation Launch
Pad Pack' here:
I hand picked the perfect combination
of products to get your mind
moving in the right direction even
before our live calls begin.
NEXT WEEK will be our FIRST
Mindset Matters call (details to
follow) and it's going to be
off-the-hook FABULOUS!! Join
my Mindset Matters Program now
and I'll email you my 'Manifestation
Launch Pad Pack' right away!!!
you're going to LOVE it!!
I am SO ready to SHOW you
how things can be easier and what
you want CAN show up more quickly.
Your Mindset Matters, it ABSOLUTELY
does. This program will unravel the
difficulty and give you the added juice
necessary to take things to the next
Join now and SEE. I'll send you my
'Manifestation Launch Pad Pack'
right away!!
Have a tremendous weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The first 100 members who
sign up at ANY level (silver, gold or
platinum) will receive a special
'Manifestation Launch Pad Pack'. ($111 value). It's my FREE gift to
you and I'll email it to you personally!!
Join here!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 you have any??? I can help you!
I hope your week has been
FABULOUS so far!! Your mindset
matters so be sure to NOTICE
what and who is showing up or
not, ALL of it are indicators!! ;-D
I mentioned in the subject of
this email the topic of 'Problems'.
Do you have any? LOL, I know
it's a silly question. We ALL do!!
The question I'm wanting to ask
you you know what
problems mean?
It may seem like an odd question
and rather than for me to try and
explain it to you, I think I'll let
Patricia tell you, she says it
BEST.......(comments have been
edited down)
"Hello Dear Shelby, I know you’ve
probably heard this feedback a lot,
but I just want to share that I
listened to one of your recordings
that I haven’t listened to for a long
time and it resonated so much more
with me now than it did the first time,
several months ago. I was scrolling
through the many recordings of
yours that I have on my Ipod.
I’d listen for a few seconds and kept
clicking to the next, probably about
6 or 7 times, until I stopped on this
one, and said to myself, hmmmmm
problems..anything negative is a
problem, so there should be a lot I
can use in this one. It was the audio
on problems.....I’ve listened to it 3
times in 24 hours.
The real “key” thing in it for me, is
the lesson about being “asleep”
and being on “auto-pilot”, reacting
to things the same way and wondering
why nothing changes… and realizing
that it’s just a “habit” that can be
changed by staying awake and
choosing what everything is going
to mean to me. It’s so empowering.
I feel like I can actually change this.
Another thing that came to me while
I was listening to you explain that
the things that appear to be difficult,
manifest to get our attention…all it
means is that it is something that
needs my focus – that something
in me attracted it, and I need to
pay attention/wake up. And at
that point this wave came over me,
it was surreal, because I could
hear your voice, but it was as if I
was getting another level of
instruction simultaneously. I felt
a wave of gratitude and saw
myself greeting seeming problems
with a deep sense of gratitude,
understanding that they are simply
doorways to awakening and thus to
better circumstances and things. It
was the most peaceful I have felt
in a very long time. And also
incredibly “empowering.” Words
don’t do the feeling justice.
So much amazing empowerment in
this recording. It was like breaking
a secret code and getting the
underlying treasure of teaching.
I Thank you once again with all my
What if YOU could have a 'shift'
around what you consider to be a
'problem'? What would that mean
to you? Imagine how fabulous that
would feel!!
Get my 'Problems' audio here:
When was the last time you listened
to a good audio program? I personally
listen to audios every chance I get.
In fact right now I have at least 45
CD's in my car, LOL. I listen every
time I'm in the car by myself. We're
in the car a LOT more than we realize
and I take FULL advantage of that
I have 18 audio programs currently
and soon I will be changing my
selections INCLUDING my 'Problems'
audio!! Download your copy now!!
You can see all 18 selections here:
Problems are not going away.
Imagine knowing that ANY problem
you could handle. Imagine knowing
that problems are CLUES that will
lead you directly to what you're
seeking. I'll show you a brand new
way of looking at 'problems' and just
how FABULOUS they really are!! ;-D
Have an incredible day and be SURE
to EXPECT great things ALL day!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I also have an INCREDIBLE
audio on 'Guilt'. You may not think
guilt is a problem for you but think
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
FABULOUS so far!! Your mindset
matters so be sure to NOTICE
what and who is showing up or
not, ALL of it are indicators!! ;-D
I mentioned in the subject of
this email the topic of 'Problems'.
Do you have any? LOL, I know
it's a silly question. We ALL do!!
The question I'm wanting to ask
you you know what
problems mean?
It may seem like an odd question
and rather than for me to try and
explain it to you, I think I'll let
Patricia tell you, she says it
BEST.......(comments have been
edited down)
"Hello Dear Shelby, I know you’ve
probably heard this feedback a lot,
but I just want to share that I
listened to one of your recordings
that I haven’t listened to for a long
time and it resonated so much more
with me now than it did the first time,
several months ago. I was scrolling
through the many recordings of
yours that I have on my Ipod.
I’d listen for a few seconds and kept
clicking to the next, probably about
6 or 7 times, until I stopped on this
one, and said to myself, hmmmmm
problems..anything negative is a
problem, so there should be a lot I
can use in this one. It was the audio
on problems.....I’ve listened to it 3
times in 24 hours.
The real “key” thing in it for me, is
the lesson about being “asleep”
and being on “auto-pilot”, reacting
to things the same way and wondering
why nothing changes… and realizing
that it’s just a “habit” that can be
changed by staying awake and
choosing what everything is going
to mean to me. It’s so empowering.
I feel like I can actually change this.
Another thing that came to me while
I was listening to you explain that
the things that appear to be difficult,
manifest to get our attention…all it
means is that it is something that
needs my focus – that something
in me attracted it, and I need to
pay attention/wake up. And at
that point this wave came over me,
it was surreal, because I could
hear your voice, but it was as if I
was getting another level of
instruction simultaneously. I felt
a wave of gratitude and saw
myself greeting seeming problems
with a deep sense of gratitude,
understanding that they are simply
doorways to awakening and thus to
better circumstances and things. It
was the most peaceful I have felt
in a very long time. And also
incredibly “empowering.” Words
don’t do the feeling justice.
So much amazing empowerment in
this recording. It was like breaking
a secret code and getting the
underlying treasure of teaching.
I Thank you once again with all my
What if YOU could have a 'shift'
around what you consider to be a
'problem'? What would that mean
to you? Imagine how fabulous that
would feel!!
Get my 'Problems' audio here:
When was the last time you listened
to a good audio program? I personally
listen to audios every chance I get.
In fact right now I have at least 45
CD's in my car, LOL. I listen every
time I'm in the car by myself. We're
in the car a LOT more than we realize
and I take FULL advantage of that
I have 18 audio programs currently
and soon I will be changing my
selections INCLUDING my 'Problems'
audio!! Download your copy now!!
You can see all 18 selections here:
Problems are not going away.
Imagine knowing that ANY problem
you could handle. Imagine knowing
that problems are CLUES that will
lead you directly to what you're
seeking. I'll show you a brand new
way of looking at 'problems' and just
how FABULOUS they really are!! ;-D
Have an incredible day and be SURE
to EXPECT great things ALL day!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I also have an INCREDIBLE
audio on 'Guilt'. You may not think
guilt is a problem for you but think
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Things are REALLY changing here & what I'm cooking up is going to be GOOD!! =)
In being in alignment with ALL
that I teach as well as
PRACTICING what I teach I'm
making HUGE changes in my
business and HOW I interact
with YOU!! Woooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Today I formally announced
the ending of my two staple
programs (Mind Magic, Limitless
Possibilities Email Mentoring).
After MUCH thought and
consideration I have decided
to up-level my game and my
personal interaction with my
The result........a brand NEW
program that will be announced
in the next couple of days and
a far more CLEAR direction in
my offerings and how I can
better serve you.
This also means that my audio
programs page will be
dismantled soon and I will now
be launching a monthly offering
of a select number of NEW
programs and NEW recordings.
Because there IS 18 current
selections and they are ALL
fabulous (read the testimonials)
I DO want to give you a day or
so to grab your favorites.
MANY of these audio programs
after this email. To make SURE
you grab ALL your favorites, for
every three audios you buy you
will receive one FREE (equal or
lesser value). Please indicate
your 'FREE' selection in the
comments section of the order
AND the
first 100
to buy an
audio (yes
even one)
will receive
my ebook
'The 25
Rules to
Marketing & How to Profit From
Them) ($47 value) FREE. This
was my TOP selling ebook in 07
and this too will NO LONGER
I'm so THRILLED about what's
to come and I think you will
be too!! :-D
Be sure to grab your three
favorites (plus your free selection)
now and get my ebook!! You'll
REALLY love what you learn and
it will DEFINITELY help you in this
economy!!! ;-D
Please Note: 1shoppingcart has
been having server troubles today.
If you have any trouble with the
enclosed links or placing an order,
PLEASE BE PATIENT and keep trying.
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Remember the first 100 to
buy an audio (yes even one) will
receive my ebook 'The 25 Rules to
Relationship Marketing & How to
Profit From Them) ($47 value)
FREE!!! Grab three audios and your
fourth one is FREE for a VERY
limited time! Choose from 18 audio
programs here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
that I teach as well as
PRACTICING what I teach I'm
making HUGE changes in my
business and HOW I interact
with YOU!! Woooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Today I formally announced
the ending of my two staple
programs (Mind Magic, Limitless
Possibilities Email Mentoring).
After MUCH thought and
consideration I have decided
to up-level my game and my
personal interaction with my
The result........a brand NEW
program that will be announced
in the next couple of days and
a far more CLEAR direction in
my offerings and how I can
better serve you.
This also means that my audio
programs page will be
dismantled soon and I will now
be launching a monthly offering
of a select number of NEW
programs and NEW recordings.
Because there IS 18 current
selections and they are ALL
fabulous (read the testimonials)
I DO want to give you a day or
so to grab your favorites.
MANY of these audio programs
after this email. To make SURE
you grab ALL your favorites, for
every three audios you buy you
will receive one FREE (equal or
lesser value). Please indicate
your 'FREE' selection in the
comments section of the order

first 100
to buy an
audio (yes
even one)
will receive
my ebook
'The 25
Rules to
Marketing & How to Profit From
Them) ($47 value) FREE. This
was my TOP selling ebook in 07
and this too will NO LONGER
I'm so THRILLED about what's
to come and I think you will
be too!! :-D
Be sure to grab your three
favorites (plus your free selection)
now and get my ebook!! You'll
REALLY love what you learn and
it will DEFINITELY help you in this
economy!!! ;-D
Please Note: 1shoppingcart has
been having server troubles today.
If you have any trouble with the
enclosed links or placing an order,
PLEASE BE PATIENT and keep trying.
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Remember the first 100 to
buy an audio (yes even one) will
receive my ebook 'The 25 Rules to
Relationship Marketing & How to
Profit From Them) ($47 value)
FREE!!! Grab three audios and your
fourth one is FREE for a VERY
limited time! Choose from 18 audio
programs here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Final 10 hours to grab my audio on 'Clarity, Consciousness & Creation'!!
Today is the last day of the
Mercury Retrograde. Have you
noticed the patterns you keep
repeating coming to your
attention over the last three
weeks? It has been an AMAZING
transformation for me personally
and professionally and in the next
few days I'll be filling you in on
ALL that has changed. ;-D
In the meantime......
Thursday I hosted my second
live public teleclass of this year.
It was FABULOUS and the emails
that I have received from
participants have been heart
warming to say the least. :-D
The topic of my call was 'Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation' and
it was EXTREMELY mind opening.
Not only will it shed light on WHY
things are working (or not working)
the way YOU are thinking, but I
cover the past, the future and
your daily energy that you may
or may NOT be spending to your
It's almost 90 minutes long and
I know you will absolutely LOVE it!!
Although this audio program is
NOT available (nor will it be made
available) from my website I AM
making it available to anyone
interested through TODAY the 12th.
It's over 88 minutes long and
comes with pdf downloadable notes
as well. Download it and listen to
it as often as possible and WATCH
what begins happening and how
quickly!!! ;-D
ANY questions, just let us know!!
Have a magic filled rest of your
weekend and be sure to EXPECT
great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This audio from Thursday
is only available through TODAY (12th).
Download the mp3 & pdf notes
instantly here:
My website (and program offerings)
are undergoing HUGE changes (some
you can see now) and this 88 min audio
with notes on "Clarity, Consciousness &
Creation" is only available through
TODAY Sept 12th. Grab your copy NOW:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Mercury Retrograde. Have you
noticed the patterns you keep
repeating coming to your
attention over the last three
weeks? It has been an AMAZING
transformation for me personally
and professionally and in the next
few days I'll be filling you in on
ALL that has changed. ;-D
In the meantime......
Thursday I hosted my second
live public teleclass of this year.
It was FABULOUS and the emails
that I have received from
participants have been heart
warming to say the least. :-D
The topic of my call was 'Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation' and
it was EXTREMELY mind opening.
Not only will it shed light on WHY
things are working (or not working)
the way YOU are thinking, but I
cover the past, the future and
your daily energy that you may
or may NOT be spending to your
It's almost 90 minutes long and
I know you will absolutely LOVE it!!
Although this audio program is
NOT available (nor will it be made
available) from my website I AM
making it available to anyone
interested through TODAY the 12th.
It's over 88 minutes long and
comes with pdf downloadable notes
as well. Download it and listen to
it as often as possible and WATCH
what begins happening and how
quickly!!! ;-D
ANY questions, just let us know!!
Have a magic filled rest of your
weekend and be sure to EXPECT
great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This audio from Thursday
is only available through TODAY (12th).
Download the mp3 & pdf notes
instantly here:
My website (and program offerings)
are undergoing HUGE changes (some
you can see now) and this 88 min audio
with notes on "Clarity, Consciousness &
Creation" is only available through
TODAY Sept 12th. Grab your copy NOW:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday's call available for only ONE more day!! Listen NOW!! ;-D
As you may or may not know
Thursday I hosted my second
live public teleclass of this year.
It was FABULOUS and the emails
that I have received from
participants have been heart
warming to say the least. :-D
The topic of my call was 'Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation' and
it was EXTREMELY mind opening.
Not only will it shed light on WHY
things are working (or not working)
the way YOU are thinking, but I
cover the past, the future and
your daily energy that you may
or may NOT be spending to your
It's almost 90 minutes long and
I know you will absolutely LOVE it!!
Although this audio program is
NOT available (nor will it be made
available) from my website I AM
making it available to anyone
interested through Sunday the 12th.
It's over 88 minutes long and
comes with pdf downloadable notes
as well. Download it and listen to
it as often as possible and WATCH
what begins happening and how
quickly!!! ;-D
ANY questions, just let us know!!
Have a magic filled weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The audio from Thursday's class
is only available through tomorrow (12th).
Download the mp3 & pdf instantly here:
My website (and program offerings)
are undergoing HUGE changes (some
you can see now) and this 88 min audio
with notes on "Clarity, Consciousness &
Creation" is only available through Sun
September 12th. Grab your copy NOW:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday I hosted my second
live public teleclass of this year.
It was FABULOUS and the emails
that I have received from
participants have been heart
warming to say the least. :-D
The topic of my call was 'Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation' and
it was EXTREMELY mind opening.
Not only will it shed light on WHY
things are working (or not working)
the way YOU are thinking, but I
cover the past, the future and
your daily energy that you may
or may NOT be spending to your
It's almost 90 minutes long and
I know you will absolutely LOVE it!!
Although this audio program is
NOT available (nor will it be made
available) from my website I AM
making it available to anyone
interested through Sunday the 12th.
It's over 88 minutes long and
comes with pdf downloadable notes
as well. Download it and listen to
it as often as possible and WATCH
what begins happening and how
quickly!!! ;-D
ANY questions, just let us know!!
Have a magic filled weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The audio from Thursday's class
is only available through tomorrow (12th).
Download the mp3 & pdf instantly here:
My website (and program offerings)
are undergoing HUGE changes (some
you can see now) and this 88 min audio
with notes on "Clarity, Consciousness &
Creation" is only available through Sun
September 12th. Grab your copy NOW:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Yesterdays call is NOW available!! Woooooo Hooooo!!! ;-D
As you may or may not know
yesterday I hosted my second
live public teleclass of this year.
It was FABULOUS and the emails
that I have received from
participants have been heart
warming to say the least. :-D
The topic of my call yesterday
was 'Clarity, Consciousness and
Creation' and it was EXTREMELY
mind opening. Not only will it
shed light on WHY things are
working (or not working) the way
YOU are thinking, but I cover the
past, the future and your daily
energy that you may or may NOT
be spending to your benefit.
It's almost 90 minutes and I
know you will absolutely LOVE it!!
Although this audio program is
NOT available (nor will it be made
available) from my website I AM
making it available to anyone
interested through the weekend.
It's over 88 minutes long and
comes with pdf downloadable notes
as well. Download it and listen to
it as often as possible and WATCH
what begins happening and how
quickly!!! ;-D
ANY questions, just let us know!!
Have a magic filled weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The audio from yesterday's class
is only available through Sunday.
My website (and program offerings)
are undergoing HUGE changes (some
you can see now) and this 88 min audio
with notes on "Clarity, Consciousness &
Creation" is only available through Sun
September 12th. Grab your copy NOW:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
yesterday I hosted my second
live public teleclass of this year.
It was FABULOUS and the emails
that I have received from
participants have been heart
warming to say the least. :-D
The topic of my call yesterday
was 'Clarity, Consciousness and
Creation' and it was EXTREMELY
mind opening. Not only will it
shed light on WHY things are
working (or not working) the way
YOU are thinking, but I cover the
past, the future and your daily
energy that you may or may NOT
be spending to your benefit.
It's almost 90 minutes and I
know you will absolutely LOVE it!!
Although this audio program is
NOT available (nor will it be made
available) from my website I AM
making it available to anyone
interested through the weekend.
It's over 88 minutes long and
comes with pdf downloadable notes
as well. Download it and listen to
it as often as possible and WATCH
what begins happening and how
quickly!!! ;-D
ANY questions, just let us know!!
Have a magic filled weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The audio from yesterday's class
is only available through Sunday.
My website (and program offerings)
are undergoing HUGE changes (some
you can see now) and this 88 min audio
with notes on "Clarity, Consciousness &
Creation" is only available through Sun
September 12th. Grab your copy NOW:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Do yourself a HUGE favor!! LAST day to register!
Woooooo Hoooooo!!! Tomorrow is
the BIG day and I'm BEYOND
If you haven't registered yet for my
LIVE Teleclass TOMORROW on
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! Grab your
seat right now!!!!!
This is only my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me
TOMORROW Sept 9th at 9:00 am
pacific for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
and of course the mp3 audio recording
of the call!!! ;-D
Register right now here:
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today it's an INCREDIBLE
opportunity to learn some NEW
ways of experiencing life!!! Register
now, you'll instantly receive ALL our
call-in details!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call
tomorrow!! It's going to be packed
with HUGE mindset and energy shifts!!!
Enjoy your day and be sure to EXPECT
great things ALL day today!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me! How's
that for a guarantee!!
Enroll TODAY!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
the BIG day and I'm BEYOND
If you haven't registered yet for my
LIVE Teleclass TOMORROW on
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! Grab your
seat right now!!!!!
This is only my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me
TOMORROW Sept 9th at 9:00 am
pacific for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
and of course the mp3 audio recording
of the call!!! ;-D
Register right now here:
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today it's an INCREDIBLE
opportunity to learn some NEW
ways of experiencing life!!! Register
now, you'll instantly receive ALL our
call-in details!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call
tomorrow!! It's going to be packed
with HUGE mindset and energy shifts!!!
Enjoy your day and be sure to EXPECT
great things ALL day today!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me! How's
that for a guarantee!!
Enroll TODAY!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Only 2 days till showtime!! Wooooo Hoooo!!
If you live in the US I hope you had
a FABULOUS Labor Day holiday! ;-D
I'm writing to remind you...........
If you haven't registered yet for my
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! Grab your
seat right!!!!!
This is only my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me THIS
Thursday Sept 9th at 9:00 am pacific
for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
and of course the mp3 audio recording
of the call!!! ;-D
Register right now here:
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today it's an INCREDIBLE
opportunity to learn some NEW
ways of experiencing life!!! Register
now, you'll instantly receive ALL our
call-in details!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE
mind and energy shifts!!! Enjoy
your day and be sure to EXPECT
great things today!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll TODAY!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
a FABULOUS Labor Day holiday! ;-D
I'm writing to remind you...........
If you haven't registered yet for my
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! Grab your
seat right!!!!!
This is only my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me THIS
Thursday Sept 9th at 9:00 am pacific
for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
and of course the mp3 audio recording
of the call!!! ;-D
Register right now here:
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today it's an INCREDIBLE
opportunity to learn some NEW
ways of experiencing life!!! Register
now, you'll instantly receive ALL our
call-in details!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE
mind and energy shifts!!! Enjoy
your day and be sure to EXPECT
great things today!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll TODAY!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, September 06, 2010
It's Labor Day!! Are you laboring today or taking the day off?
Funny how we celebrate Labor Day
by taking the day off!!! ;-D
If you haven't registered yet for my
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! here's
In celebration of LABOR Day I'm
offering a special 20% discount.
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
save $5 off my Thursday teleclass!!!
Grab your seat right now and SAVE!!!!!
This is only my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me on
Thursday Sept 9th at 9:00 am pacific
for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
Register right now here:
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
receive an instant $5 off the training!!
(available today only)
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today and use coupon code
LABORDAY and you'll save $5
INSTANTLY of my call Thursday!!!
It's an INCREDIBLE opportunity!!!
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE
mind and energy shifts!!! Enjoy
the holiday and be sure to EXPECT
great things today!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll TODAY and use coupon code
LABORDAY and you'll save $5 instantly!!!
(available today only) Woooo Hoooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
by taking the day off!!! ;-D
If you haven't registered yet for my
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! here's
In celebration of LABOR Day I'm
offering a special 20% discount.
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
save $5 off my Thursday teleclass!!!
Grab your seat right now and SAVE!!!!!
This is only my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me on
Thursday Sept 9th at 9:00 am pacific
for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
Register right now here:
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
receive an instant $5 off the training!!
(available today only)
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today and use coupon code
LABORDAY and you'll save $5
INSTANTLY of my call Thursday!!!
It's an INCREDIBLE opportunity!!!
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE
mind and energy shifts!!! Enjoy
the holiday and be sure to EXPECT
great things today!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll TODAY and use coupon code
LABORDAY and you'll save $5 instantly!!!
(available today only) Woooo Hoooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, September 04, 2010
It's Labor Day Weekend!! Time to Celebrate!!! ;-D
If you haven't registered yet for my
LIVE September 9th, Teleclass on
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! here's why.......
In celebration of LABOR Day (think
about that for a moment) I'm
offering a special 20% discount on
my September 9th Teleclass.
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
save $5 off my upcoming teleclass!!!
Grab your seat right now and SAVE!!!!!
This is my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me on
Thursday Sept 9th at 9:00 am pacific
for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
You can register right now here:
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
receive an instant $5 off the call!!
(available today, Sunday and Monday
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today, Sunday or Monday
and use coupon code LABORDAY
and you'll save $5 INSTANTLY of
the call!!! It's an INCREDIBLE
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details and I'll be in
touch soon!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE
mind and energy shifts!!! Enjoy
the holiday and be sure to EXPECT
great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll this weekend and use coupon
code LABORDAY and you'll save $5
instantly!!! (available today, Sunday
and Monday only) Woooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
LIVE September 9th, Teleclass on
Clarity, Consciousness & Creation
TODAY is the day to do it!! here's why.......
In celebration of LABOR Day (think
about that for a moment) I'm
offering a special 20% discount on
my September 9th Teleclass.
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
save $5 off my upcoming teleclass!!!
Grab your seat right now and SAVE!!!!!
This is my second LIVE public
teleclass this year!! Join me on
Thursday Sept 9th at 9:00 am pacific
for an IN-DEPTH call on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
You can register right now here:
Use coupon code LABORDAY and
receive an instant $5 off the call!!
(available today, Sunday and Monday
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Register today, Sunday or Monday
and use coupon code LABORDAY
and you'll save $5 INSTANTLY of
the call!!! It's an INCREDIBLE
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details and I'll be in
touch soon!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE
mind and energy shifts!!! Enjoy
the holiday and be sure to EXPECT
great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll this weekend and use coupon
code LABORDAY and you'll save $5
instantly!!! (available today, Sunday
and Monday only) Woooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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