Wednesday, September 29, 2010

At this time tomorrow I could be answering YOUR question!! Do you want an answer?

it's an insightful question...........

Do you even WANT answers to
your questions?  Are you ready to
move past the blocks you think
you have?  Are you ready to get
what you want and LEAVE where
you currently are? Are you ready
to REALLY succeed in ALL areas?

Most people (not even knowingly)
are addicted to drama and things
NOT going well.  They feed on
negativity and hysteria, expect
plan B and visualize what they
DON'T want all day long.  Is this

If you haven't received it, you don't
believe it.  The question I want to
help you answer is...WHY DONT YOU

It's your KEY to opening the flood
gates of success and ease.  Until
you believe it......Until you believe
you're worthy of it.......Until you
EXPECT it, it's going to elude you. 
But I have GREAT news for you!!

I'm THRILLED to be hosting my 2nd
Mindset Matters Program call
tomorrow at 5:00pm pacific / 8:00pm
eastern.  It will be a LIVE Q&A call and
this is the part where YOU come in.

Our call will be a full hour long, for all
member levels, and I will address
questions, any setbacks and all
frustrations.  With my natural 'tuning
fork' abilities and a gift to energetically
feel where you are out of alignment
(1 person or 1,000), this is a fabulous
opportunity to get un-stuck and to
move forward.  Join and SEE........

Even if you can't attend live all
members have the option to send
me questions in advance
.  The call
WILL be recorded for those who
opted for audio and transcribed for
all members.  Based on questions
that I have received so far....

I'll be covering topics like:

- repeating patterns

- expectation (negative AND positive)

- how to recognize self sabotage

- mental chatter and what it's saying

- resistance and what it means

- money, success and how to allow more

- relationships & how to attract them

- and of course YOUR question(s)!!  ;-D

Join now and you will immediately
receive the call-in details for
Thursday's Q&A call, not to mention
some VERY special welcome gifts. 
I'm also busily working on the transcript
edits from Friday's call and will be
sending them out to ALL members very
shortly and trust me, you WANT
these notes.  They are terrific!!!  :-D

ANY questions simply reply to this
email and let us know.  We LOVE to
hear from you!!!

Be sure to EXPECT great things and I
REALLY hope to hear you on Thursday's
call!!  It's going to be VERY mind
opening!!! ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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