the launch of
my NEW
Mindset Matters
I created this program
SPECIFICALLY to help you
experience the results you've
been desiring. It WILL work and
help you manifest the results you
want in ANY area of your life.
Consisting of two LIVE monthly
teleclasses (w/mp3s) and the
option of working with me via
email and/or via personal session,
together we'll bring to your
conscious awareness what you
REALLY believe and expect.
THEN we'll working on changing
what you expect to be what you
truly WANT!!!
Why.....because you receive what
you BELIEVE......period!
I have kept the membership
levels EXTREMELY affordable
and I know there is a level that
will work perfectly for YOU!!

offer the first
100 members
who sign up at
ANY level (silver,
gold or
a special
Launch Pad Pack'. ($111) I have put together a fabulous array
of BRAND NEW programs valued
at $111 and it's my FREE gift to
the first 100 members.
I'll email it to you personally
and it includes:
a 9 page special report on '32
ways to move, handle and
process energy and emotions'.
'Introductions to Law of Attraction'
Home Study Program complete
w/ pdf downloadable workbooks
AND my 'Fear of Success' audio
Get your 'Manifestation Launch
Pad Pack' here:
I hand picked the perfect combination
of products to get your mind
moving in the right direction even
before our live calls begin.
NEXT WEEK will be our FIRST
Mindset Matters call (details to
follow) and it's going to be
off-the-hook FABULOUS!! Join
my Mindset Matters Program now
and I'll email you my 'Manifestation
Launch Pad Pack' right away!!!
you're going to LOVE it!!
I am SO ready to SHOW you
how things can be easier and what
you want CAN show up more quickly.
Your Mindset Matters, it ABSOLUTELY
does. This program will unravel the
difficulty and give you the added juice
necessary to take things to the next
Join now and SEE. I'll send you my
'Manifestation Launch Pad Pack'
right away!!
Have a tremendous weekend and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The first 100 members who
sign up at ANY level (silver, gold or
platinum) will receive a special
'Manifestation Launch Pad Pack'. ($111 value). It's my FREE gift to
you and I'll email it to you personally!!
Join here!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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