Monday, March 19, 2012

Your 'Monday Mind Shift Newsletter' Has Arrived!!! Read it Now!! ;-D

Happy Monday!!

Today is the LAST day of fall. 

Can you believe it?  It's time for
some mental Spring cleaning if
you know what I mean!!  ;-D

Today's newsletter is a really good
one. Be sure to read it a few
times for optimum results.

I want to talk about WHY.

It's interesting....As I talk
with clients they can name 100's
of 'things' that they want, but
when I ask them 'WHY' they
want these things, I always hear
silence at the other end of the

And the REALLY interesting part's the WHY that attracts.
It's NOT your list of 100 or 1000
things that you wish to accumulate
or own, it's the FEELING underneath
having those things that you're
searching for. So today's newsletter
will help you more clearly identify
'WHY' you want these things.

OK I have a few questions that
I want you to think about. Once
you've read ALL the below questions,
come up with 25 reasons WHY
you want the things that you want.

It's important to push yourself to
come up with 25 AND it's doubly
important to FEEL the feelings as
you're writing and thinking. It's
these very feelings that will begin
to sweep through your body that
will begin to attract and magnetize
what you WANT to you.

Remember, It's the FEELING that
gets the blessing, so here we go.....

Think about the list of 'things'
you desire to have or achieve.
Think about having more money,
better health, an ideal body, ideal
relationships in EVERY area of your
life, a booming business and/or
career, the houses, cars, vacations,
outfits, ALL of it.

Now then.....

- WHY do you want more money?

- What would having more money
FEEL like?

- WHY do you want more clients
or a more successful business/

- What would having a waiting list
of 6 months feel like?

- Why do you want the cars, the
houses, the savings accounts?

- What feelings are you searching

- Why would they make you happy?

- WHY do you want your physical
body to improve?

- What would that FEEL like?

- How would you look?

- Why?

- What would be different in your
life or on your body?

- How does that feel?

- WHY would life get easier if you
had the things on your list?

- What would you delegate to
someone else?

- Why?

- What would that FEEL like?

- WHY would you want a soul

- How would that benefit you and
your life?

- Picture yourself in the ideal
relationship. How do you look?

- What's different about you?

- How do you feel?

- WHY would you smile more if
you had achieved ALL of your

- WHY are you waiting to smile?

- How does smiling feel?

Now write.

Write AT LEAST 25 'reasons' why
you want these things. These
reasons will invoke feelings from
you. It's these feelings of security,
peace, knowing, easiness, joy,
bliss and happiness that you're
seeking NOT the things.

YES, these things WILL possibly
make you happy, but you can be
happy NOW which will GUARANTEE
they happen!

Read your list of 25 reasons 'WHY'
at LEAST three times a day. If you
feel your faith slipping or doubt
creeping in, take out your list and
READ it and re-affirm what you know
and FEEL. This will become one of
your most powerful tools. Because
when you FEEL it, it is ;-D

GUESS WHAT......................

For a VERY limited time, Perception
University is ONLY $97 a month!!!!

Included EVERY month is:

- (2) 60-75 min Live Calls with me
- (2) Live Q&A Sessions
- (2) One Year Online Replays
- (2) mp3 audios
- (2) pdf transcripts
- (4) Dial-In Inspiration Audios
- (1) Monthly Mentoring Minute Hour
- (2) Online Check-Ins
- 20% of ALL purchases

and much, MUCH, more for ONLY
$97 a month for a VERY limited

Enroll NOW.  We have our Monthly
Mentoring Minutes THIS WEEK!!!  I
would LOVE to talk with YOU!!!  ;-D

EnJOY your Monday!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

Join me!!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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