Thursday, June 30, 2011

PROOF - How Powerful Your Mind Really Is!

Have you ever heard of the 'placebo

An online dictionary describes it as:

'The beneficial effect in a patient
following a particular treatment that
arises from the patient's
EXPECTATIONS concerning the
treatment RATHER than from the
treatment itself.'

The key word I want to point out is
'expectations'. EVERYTHING you
experience in life is about YOUR
expectations. It's about what you
expect DEEP down inside at a
subconscious or even sometimes
conscious level.

In mentioning the 'placebo effect'
there is some great learning I
wanted to share with you. It's a
phenomenon that I take a special
interest in.

How the Placebo Effect Works.....

In a medical study or research
study 50% of patients are given a
pill which contains medicine or a
treatment of some kind.  The
remaining 50% of patients are
given a pill containing only sugar.

Neither group is told which pill
they've received.  Researchers
then study patients to see who
has an improvement or change
in symptoms for the better.

The truly AMAZING thing is......

There are ALWAYS patients who
receive nothing but a sugar pill,
YET they experience a cure, relief,
miracle, healing, etc.

It has to make you wonder.....

Does it have anything to do with
the pill?  My answer is 'NO'.

It has NOTHING to do with the
pill but has everything to do with
YOUR expectations.  If you
expect to get better and then the
pill or treatment will work, it will. 
If you expect the SAME pill or
treatment will fail, it will.

Either way you are ALWAYS
  You get to choose!

Haven't you ever known two
people who had the same illness
and received the same treatment. 
One got better and one didn't. 
Doesn't that make you think to

How could they BOTH receive the
same treatment, have the same
illness and yet they both got a
different result?

The answer is in their expectations
and beliefs.

Any ideas on what kind of beliefs
YOU currently have?

Have you ever even thought
about it?

Take a quick look at your results.
What beliefs might you have in
order to achieve your results? 

How many of those beliefs are
negative or limiting in nature do
you think?

Don't you SEE just how important
your beliefs, thoughts and
expectations really are??

Now you want to learn how to
change and delete as many limiting
and negative beliefs as you can
find right?

It all begins with your mental
patterns, thoughts and beliefs

When you use your mind power
toward what you WANT it seems as
if life takes on a magical quality. 
When you use your mind power
toward what you DON'T WANT, life
is a struggle, frustrating and
negative.  BUT, in either case,
you're always using your mind

Again, it's ALWAYS a choice.

Learn how to DELIBERATELY use
your immense mental powers for
WHAT YOU WANT rather than
what you're getting.  We begin
Monday July 11th
for 6+ weeks
AND you'll immediately receive
our PRE call audio to get you

When you change your
expectations of what is possible for
YOUyour results WILL change!

Have a GREAT day/evening! ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  If the above links don't work
or if you don't see them, copy and
paste the below link directly into
your browser:

Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, June 27, 2011

Have YOU ever been a member of my Mind Powers, Circle of Success, Email Coaching or PU and.........

Happy Monday!!!

This is an incredibly INSPIRED
idea!!!  If you have EVER been
a member of one of my previous
membership programs like......

- Mind Powers Program

- Circle of Success Program

- Limitless Possibilities Email Coaching

- Mindset Matters Program

or Perception University

and you're interested in getting
a membership into Perception
University for the remainder of
this year at an INCREDIBLE price
for more information!!!

Think of it as a little 'THANK YOU'
and nudge to help you ACHIEVE
all that you desire this year and
get OUT of your own way.

Previous members ONLY!!!

Enjoy your Monday and be SURE
to EXPECT great things today!! 

I hope to hear from YOU soon!!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!!

Shelby Collinge

Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm holding a FREE call tomorrow (Friday the 24th) at 9am! Join Me!!! ;-D

Happy Thursday!!  :-D

I'm holding a RARE free call
tomorrow at 9am pacific.  You
can attend via your phone, Skype
OR your email browser.

Register below for ALL the details:

You've had some questions
about beliefs and mindset and
tomorrow you'll get your

Join me LIVE!!

Until then...........

Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, June 20, 2011

My son Derrick is GRADUATING high school today!!! Woooooo Hoooooo!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!

It's an ESPECIALLY happy Monday
for ME!!!  My son Derrick is
graduating high school today!!

Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooo
Derrick!!!  ;-D

To celebrate EVERYTHING on my
website is 25% off TODAY ONLY!!!
INCLUDING personal sessions!!!

My Home Page

Simply use coupon code
GRADUATION at checkout for your
INSTANT 25% savings.

Discount is only good until 12am
eastern time TONIGHT!!!

Remember use coupon code
GRADUATION to save!!!

My Home Page

Save on........

- audio programs
- personal sessions
- Perception University
- Creating Miracles Ecourse
- Mental Bonds 8-part telecourse
- home study courses
- books
- ebooks

****If you're interested in******
Perception University but want to
subscribe with PAYPAL use the
link below to save 15% off your
first month's membership!!!

Special PAYPAL Link

Have a GREAT Monday and think
of Derrick and I around 3pm
pacific!!!!! Woooooooooo
Hooooooooooo!!!  ;-D

My Home Page

Remember use coupon code
GRADUATION to save!!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

How the heck have you been??? LOL ;-D

I hope you're doing FABULOUSLY!!! 
It's been a while since I've written. SO
much is going on over here!!!! 
can't wait to tell you more about it!

Wooooooo Hoooooooo!!!  ;-D

I'm writing to let you in on a little
SECRET......I'm holding a BONUS
call on Saturday June 18th at
9am pacific
for EVERYONE who
is registered for my upcoming
'How to Remove your Mental
Bonds in 45 Days
' 8 part

In this bonus call we'll cover
WHAT areas you would like
in over our 45 days
together and get you crystal
CLEAR on the STORY keeping
you stuck or in the SAME PLACE!!

If you're not already registered
do it NOW and use coupon code
VIP250 at checkout and you will
receive an INSTANT $200
  (that's over HALF

Your VIP250 coupon code is good
through Wednesday
(6/8).  I'll be
sending the first 24 people who
register with coupon code VIP250
a special link to schedule a BONUS
10 min session with me!!!  ($100

Use your session ANY time in the
next 6 months OR in conjunction
with this program!  You CHOOSE
when YOU NEED IT!!

Today is the day that SPEED
matters!!!  ;-D

Be one of the first 24 and let's
work together PERSONALLY!!!
Register Now........

I'll be sending out the call/web
details for our BONUS June 18th
call on Thursday!!  You DON'T
want to miss it!!!

Register right away and I'll be in
touch soon!!

MAKE it a great day in your MIND
and WATCH what happens!!!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved