Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do you know the power of your emotions?

Hi There!

I hope this note finds you incredibly
happy :-)

I want to ask you something VERY
important.......Think about your answer.

Do you know the power your emotions
hold? Do you know that it's your
feelings that get the blessing in life?

It's true!

How you FEEL is incredibly important.
If you're feeling depressed, fearful,
poor, panicky, stressed or even fatigued
those emotions attract MORE OF WHAT IS.

The key to ALL of my teachings is to
get happy. And to figure out EXACTLY
what the story is you keep telling your-
self that's KEEPING you from being happy.

Notice how babies and children are NOT
stressed. We learn how to be stressed.
We learn how to be fearful. We learn
how to be poor and lack filled. These
are also things we can UNLEARN.

I want you to picture a screaming two
year old. A VERY upset, laying on the
floor, tears running down her face two
year old.

Now imagine her asking for something
while having her melt down. Imagine
her asking you for a new outfit as she
screams and kicks and cries.

How likely are you to want to help
this two year old get what she wants?

Not very!!

Now think about YOU for a moment. Be
honest and think about how you've
been acting and FEELING lately.

Have you been happy smiling, laughing
and EXPECTING good things to come your
way OR have you been acting more like
the screaming two year old?

If YOU were the Universe would you be
sending what you wanted your way?

Probably not!

So to get the Universe to cooperate
with you, YOU have to be on NEW feeling
channel. And depending on how long
you've been listening to your current
station, you may have some reservations
about changing.

UNTIL NOW...............

About three months or so ago I taught
a 90 minute class on 5 Steps for Self
Soothing. The call was DEEP and I also
walked LIVE participants through some
amazing shifts and NOW it's available
on audio!

This is NOT some hocus pocus New Age
thought CD, but what it IS, is a personal
step by step process to release ANY/ALL
negativity, resentment, anger or ANYTHING
that doesn't feel good. I talk about
how to release these emotions and how
to empower yourself to handle whatever
life brings you in a easy to use method.

If you're ready for an ENTIRELY NEW story
I invite you to pick up my 5 Steps for Self
Soothing Audio Program

To do something a little fun.....The first
100 people who purchase my 5 Steps for
Self Soothing 90 minute audio program, will
ALSO receive a special BONUS audio program!
I'm not going to tell you which audio program
it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

Pick up my 5 Steps for Self Soothing here

I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my '5 Steps for Self Soothing'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)

Finally learn how to smile and MEAN IT no
matter what's happening :-) Pick up my '5
Steps for Self Soothing

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and SMILE
often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my '5 Steps
for Self Soothing', will receive an additional
special BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute
audio program, get Yours!!)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

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5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved