Sunday, November 19, 2006

Join Me Tuesday & Make Your Holidays Calm,.....

joyful, easy, and most importantly you
will be relaxed, comfortable and peaceful.

Sound too good to be true?

It isnt!

Tuesday evening November 21st at
5:30pm pacific / 8:30pm eastern I will
be teaching my monthly teletraining.

Because these calls are ONLY held once a
month, the energy of these calls is amazing.
You NEED to be on this call to experience
it for yourself!

In this specialized training you will learn:

'How to Leverage the 7 Natural Laws
of the Universe to Make Success Easy'

With this training you will learn how to
make being around the family these holidays
EASY and enjoyable.

Finally learn how to go WITH the flow of
life, instead of paddling against it.

If you suffer from struggle, disappointment,
frustration, depression or if you have just
plain had it with the results youre getting
you will really benefit from this call.

You will learn techniques that will work
in EVERY area of your life AND....

You get an MP3 audio of the call so you
can burn it to a CD or listen to it right
from your computer, you will get a
downloadable workbook AND I do LIVE
Q&A at the end of the training.

Thats right, you will have
EVERYTHING you need to take control
of what you attract and HOW you react.

Join me Tuesday and change everything!

I mean everything!!!

Go now to:

Have a fabulous week and Ill talk to you

Its on its way! Let me help you find it.

Shelby Collinge

I believe in YOU, youre a star!