Thursday, October 15, 2009

You help me and I'll help You!! :-)

Read this email fully and be sure
to listen to my audio message below!

'What-is-itis' is the number one reason
why you're not manifesting what you
want. You're continually looking at WHAT
IS. You notice what is, you talk about
what is, and you worry about what is. Is
it any wonder why 'what is' KEEPS showing

If you continually look at what is,
all you can EVER possibly manifest
is MORE of what is.
The way to CURE what-is-itis is to
fill your mind with NEW information
that can open the doors that YOU
currently have LOCKED.

Don't get me're thinking
thoughts all day long. That won't
stop (for a while), so our goal then
becomes to change the thoughts your
thinking right now anyway, from what
you DON'T want to what you DO want.

Much like you wouldn't expect to lose
weight or get toned eating hamburgers
and french fries for every meal you
CANNOT attract success and abundance
if you fill your mind with fear, scarcity,
doubt and worry (T.V. news, newspapers,
politics, reality T.V. etc.).
The GOOD NEWS is.........What-is-itis IS

If you're ready to change, I'm ready to
help you!! Here's what I'm going to do......
With ANY audio purchase (and I have 15
audios to choose from) TODAY you will
be entitled to a FREE email coaching session
with me!! Yep a $17 audio program will
get you a FREE email coaching session ($67
value). Listen to my message here to find
out why!!

Click Here to Listen:

Grab an audio or two from the link below
and then email me to get started!!! :-)

THANK YOU so much for your participation
and VALUABLE feedback. I look forward to
working with you!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. A $17 audio program gets you started.
Pick your favorite(s) from below and let's work
together!!! :-)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week...

Finally ready to do it the EASY way?

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved