Sunday, December 03, 2006

Food For Thought!!

Hi There!

I stumbled across this quote today and
HAD to send it to you. It really sums it
all up.....

'Real life isnt always going to be perfect
or go our way, but the recurring
acknowledgement of what is working in
our lives can help us not only to survive
but surmount our difficulties.'

By Sara Ban Breathnach

I hope this message find you well and
stirrs up some emotion in you.

Youre on your way!
Keep going.

On the 12th of this month, I am holding
my monthly teletraining. I will be talking
about the Power of Setting Intentions.

If there is ANY way you can join me,
register right away. Find out ALL about
it here:

MAKE it a fabulous week.

It's on it's way! Let me help you align with it.

Shelby Collinge