Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If you have less than $50 in your wallet right now, Read This!

If you have LESS than a $50 in
your wallet right now, pay CLOSE

Money is an interesting energy. When
you NEED it, it's no where to be found
and when you don't need it, it's
EVERYWHERE, have you noticed?

Well I have some VERY good news!

In preparation for my NEW website, I
was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why, but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!

As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.

Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The Truth
About Money - Part 2' audio program.
I recorded this program last year and
the results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!

Let's face it, we all MUST have money
to survive. Money is the form of
exchange we use to buy things.

Now I'm SURE you don't think $50 is
a lot of money. Maybe you think
$10,000 or $100,000 or $1million is a
lot of money, but $50 is NOT a lot of
money. So I ask you..... Do you have
$50 in your wallet right now? When
was the last time you spent a $50 bill?

BELIEVE me, you have MANY unconscious
beliefs about money that are keeping it
from you. In less than an hour you can
completely change the energy your omitting
around money, CASH, abundance and

Wouldn't it be nice to make money your
friend? Wouldn't you like to know what
to do to become a magnet to money? It
all begins with what you REALLY believe
about money AND how you think you're
supposed to receive it and WHY.

If you're ready for a NEW story around
money I invite you to pick up my Truth
About Money Audio Programs- Part 1 and

To do something a little fun.....The first
100 people who purchase my Truth about
Money Part 2 audio program, will ALSO
receive a special BONUS audio program!
I'm not going to tell you which audio
program it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

Pick up my Truth about Money Program
Part 1, Part 2 or both here:


I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my 'Truth About Money - Part 2'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)
Finally learn how to SMILE when you think
of money. :-) You'll learn how to make money
serve you, rather than YOU serving money.
Pick up my 'Truth about Money Part 2' here:


Enjoy your week and SMILE often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my 'Truth About
Money Part 2', will receive an additional special
BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute audio
program, get Yours!!)


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5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
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