Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's time for a NEW conversation around MONEY.

I hope your week has been
spectacular so far :-) My laptop
is due to arrive any minute now
from the shop and I can hardly
wait!! Funny how attached we
become to technology. literally.

With the new Cancer energy
beginning tomorrow you'll notice
that you're thinking more about
security, your home life and all
things important to you......

Which brings me to why I'm

I spoke at two events this week
and while I was signing books
and chatting with audience
members I realized MORE needed
to be done about what people
think and FEEL about money.

Money is an interesting energy.
When you NEED it, it's no where
to be found and when you don't
need it, it's EVERYWHERE, have
you noticed?

Let's face it, we all MUST have
money to survive. Money is a
form of exchange we use to buy
and experience things. WE created
Money to serve us and make
things easier and somehow along
the path we've become servants
to Money.

If you haven't experienced the
level of financial success you truly
desire, then you have unconscious
beliefs about money that are
keeping it from you. However, in
less than an hour you can
completely change the energy
you're omitting around money,
CASH, abundance and it being EASY.

Wouldn't it be nice to make money
your friend? Wouldn't you like to
know what to do to become a
magnet to money? What if you
really could???? It all begins with
what you REALLY believe about
money AND how you think you're
supposed to receive it and WHY.

If you're ready for a NEW story
around money I invite you to pick
up my Truth About Money Audio
Programs- Part 1 and ESPECIALLY
Part 2 here:

These are TIME tested audio
programs that will absolutely open
and loosen the grip of ANY scarcity,
fear and lack and put you right in
the drivers seat of your abundance!!

No Waiting!! Download them

Scroll up on the page to read
what others have experienced too!

It's time to have Money serve YOU!
I'll help you!!

EXPECT great things today!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you have a good relationship
with Money then scroll down the page

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved