Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tuesday is the Big Day. Are You Ready?

Ever heard of Guilt?

Maybe your parents used it on you while you were growing up? Or maybe it's been your spouse or kids that lay on the guilt trips?

Guilt is the number ONE emotion that gets in our way when try to attractand manifest what we want.

If you carry ANY guilt, and we ALLdo, then your foot is literally on the brake for what you can achieve. Guilt is such a negative, low vibration that can cause immense frustration in your life!

But I have good news!

On Tuesday, February 5th at 9:30am pacific 12:30pm eastern I teachinga 65+ minute LIVE interactive virtual teleclass on Guilt.

We'll talk about how to identify where you're holding guilt, how to release it and fr*ee yourself from its negative hold. It will most definitely be a mind shifting call.

Remember change begins on the inside FIRST.

Even if you can't attend live, this is the ONLY way you will be able to access this information AND you will also receive the mp3 audio download of our training for your learning library to use for years to come!

For more details and ALL the infoto register click here.

I REALLY hope to hear you on the call Tuesday! This call WILL change your thinking about success, prosperity, abundance, health, ease, lack and much, much, more.

Let me prove it to you. You won't be disappointed!

P.S. If you're located in the US, be sure to have a safe super bowl Sunday! ;-)

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

MAKE 2008 great by learning something
mind changing and transformative! For a
FULL list of life altering programs, products
and services, visit:

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(702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved