Friday, January 25, 2008

Where in Life Are You Doubting Yourself?

Have you ever thought about it?

Where in life right now are you doubting yourself? What area are you thinking 'I don't know if I can handle this'?

There are two main emotions that cause doubt as I see it. Oneis fear and the other is guilt.Let's look at each individually.


This has to be the number one reason we don't move forward and make change. I KNOW there are things, situations and maybe even people you fear.

Do you know the real definition of fear?


Whatever you fear you're READY to face, move through and conquer. I have 100% faith that I can and WILL help you face your fears.

In fact you could be on the otherside of your fears in less than 10 hours! Do yourself the life changing favor and consider, review and join my Mind Powers Program!

This program WILL change your beliefs and open you up to a whole new way of thinking and believing. And the GREAT news won't take nearly as long as you think.

But don't take my word for it.Read and LISTEN to current members and their feedback here.


Guilt is the second reason we don't do what we want, when we want to do it and with whom we want to do it with.

Somewhere deep within us there is a 'story' that we are livingup to. A 'story' that keeps us stuck, in place with no wiggle room to move even an inch.

When you use words or phrases like:

should have

would have

could have


if only

GUILT is on the scene. Do you compare yourself to others, their success, their possessions or acknowledgements? If so, GUILT is on the scene and it's holding you where you are.

The more of it you hold, the more frozen you are right now. If ANY of this sounds like you, your life or recent life experiences this is a call to freedom. On Tuesday February 5th at 9:30am pacific, I'm teaching a 65+ minute virtual teleclass on Guilt and you're invited, you're encouraged to register.

I will be taking questions, sharing a powerful packed 65+ minute training AND providing you an mp3 instant download as part of this package. Space is limited and you'll benefit greatly by enrolling now.

Here's the link to finally identify, release and FR*EE yourself from guilt. You'll be a NEW person after this call, I guarantee it.

You'll be two emotions closer to allowing your power and freeing up your blocks if you take advantage of my Mind Powers Program and my Guilt Teleclass.

You've asked and now been answered :-)

It's your move.


Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

MAKE 2008 great by learning something
mind changing and transformative! For a
FULL list of life altering programs, products
and services, visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, January 05, 2008

If You're Settling in ANY Area of Your Life, Read This!

See if you can relate to this:

I have found that there's one habit we ALL practice on a daily basis. Do you know what it is?

It's the habit of settling.

We settle for the house we live in

Or where we live

We settle for the income we are earning

Or how we earn it

We settle for the relationships we have

Whether romantic or friendly

We settle for the car that we are driving

The list goes on and on.

Why do you suppose we settle instead of going for or buying what we REALLYwant?

the answer......scarcity

We are so afraid that there won't be enough, or their won't be someone else, or it won't last, or I may not get another shot, or I can't afford it, etc.

So what IS scarcity you ask?

the answer..... a belief or set of beliefs that you continue to think. Or should I say CHOOSE to think.

I say 'choose' because believe or not, no matter HOW BAD things may look, it is ALWAYS a choice how we think, feel and react to any situation.

Period. End of statement.

There IS some REALLY good news in all of this however. I want YOU to start the new year off right and move past the blocks that YOU have allowed to keep you at arms length from your desires.

So guess what I'm going to do....

- I'm going to work with you on thephone, at the perfect time, just you and I, one on one, for a FULL 30 minutes.

- I'm going to give you a special number and access code for you to leave me a recorded message (or two) of what's troubling you in your life right now. (this enables us to spend ALL our time together focusing and aligning you with what you WANT rather than what you continue to experience)

- I'm going to give you email support for a full week AFTER our session so you can really integrate all that you learn and experience.


- I'm only going to charge you $97!

That's right, only $97, but I can only work with about 20 individuals so you must move rapidly. AND please only 1 (one) session per person.

If you're ready to make significant change in your life in one or more areas, have30 minutes available in the next few weeks, have an open mind, and are READY for a new experience....

Order Your $97 Session Here.

If the above link does not work please copy and paste this link into your browser.

**Please note, sessions will be granted on a first come, firstserved basis. At which time the alloted sessions are taken, the above link will no longer work**

Upon ordering you will receive a special email within 5-10 minuteswith your special voice mail number and further instructions. If you don't receive this email within 1 hour, please email:

I look forward to working with you!


Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

MAKE 2008 great by learning something
mind changing and transformative! For a
FULL list of life altering programs, products
and services, visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved